A Note From The Author- June 27 2015

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Hey guys!

Before I get into everything that I want to tell you, let me just say, yes... I'm BACK!!! After a long-time vacation from what is basically my child, I am back and ready to write, post, and repeat. And I am so excited to be back, but I did just want to apologize for being gone so long. I had a lot on my plate lately with getting threw my final year of high school, all my work, family events, ect. And then, as my final year of high school came to a close, prom, our end-of-the-year, one-of-the-last-times-you-will-be-with-your-high-school-class (we call it our "senior picnic" for a shorter name.), and graduation. I have been beyond busy. So I am so sorry for not being able to post. I felt so, so bad for leaving you guys hanging and not giving you guys more of The Night We Meet. And I know what some of you guys might be thinking- No, this online writing is not done. There is definitely, and probably always will be, more and more coming. So, now let me get on to my letter to you guys---

Okay, let me start by saying that obviously, I don't really do things like this and write directly from me but I thought that it was time to bite the bullet and write this little note from the author because... YOU GUYS GOT The Night We Meet TO HAVE OVER THREE THOUSAND READS AND FIFTEEN VOTES!!!! I just wanted to really, really thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart. I never thought that a little story from a girl who doesn't get noticed all that much get to this point is amazing!! So thank you, thank you, THANK. YOU!!! This is amazing and I can't believe it. I am so happy that you like the story and apparently everything about it. So I just wanted to take a second and say thank you. All your reads and votes mean so much to me and I do have some news... I AM BACK! I AM BACK AND READY TO POST!!!!

      But there is a catch. Unfortunately, in my absence I was writing so much and of course, as you guys know, not been posting it. So, with that I got all mixed up and lost my place to where I lost posted, because I kid you not- I wrote AT LEAST like five hundred more pages, and I just had to delete a bunch of parts and start fresh. So, with that I deleted like seven parts to The Night We Meet and I am going to repost them. So my story, which is like my child to me, I going to be updated like crazy now that I am done, and graduated, from high school and going to be fixed and back to its old self again soon- I promise. So, even though you are going to see updates for my online book like CRAZY I am just warning you that some, and probably a lot- like probably about half, are going to be either stuff you have already read, stuff you have seen before, or just some repeated chapters. But again, that's only because that The Night We Meet is under some construction. Or, some of the stuff that I am reposting could just be brand new to you because you are either new to my story (and if so, welcome<3) or just haven't read in a while and need to catch up. Either way, I just wanted to warn you so you guy don't un-vote, hate me, un-follow me, or just stop reading all together. So please, don't hate me.

      Although, for all you who were caught up and just waiting for the next part and don't want to repeats, please just hang tight. New chapters ARE COMING. They're. On. The. Way. I PROMISE!! There is going to be some brand new, never-before seen (or, well read) stuff coming up. There are going to be so many twists, turns, problems, surprises, new characters. Everything you want and more. I am sure you are going to love it and you I am sure it going to keep you hanging, but still be in love. So hang on threw (for the lack of better word) "construction" that is going to happen, because new stuff is coming.

      And my last of business that I wanted to cover in this note is that I am always, always, ALWAYS looking for, and taking, advice, suggestions, thoughts, comments, ect. on this story, any other story (even though I literally only have two stories on my page right now. By the way, side note- new stories are coming soon), ideas for brand new stories, or just anything about anything that you guys want to see and read from me, I am all ears. Please, don't hesitate to just send me a message or a comment. I am always looking for new ideas and new things start, and eventually post. I am up for anything and everything when it come to my writing. (As long as it is appropriate, please.)

      But over all, I just wanted to explain what was going on and apologize for not posting for so long, explain where I have been and what happened to me, and just tell you guys a few things that I wanted to get out there. So thank you so much again for all your guys support and taking time out of your day for reading something that I put so much time and effort into making. Love you guys and please- Read. Vote. Comment. Follow. And enjoy<3

Your Author,

   ~ Sydney Kutzin = )

PS- I tried to not do this, but I have to give my self some promo (I mean, can you blame? And don't sit there and say you wouldn't do the same thing because we both know you would!) Anyway, all of the main character's social media names that I use in my story, The Night We Meet, are actually my REAL social medias. Twitter- @SydneyKutzin97

Instagram- @SydneyKutzin

And I am even thinking about making a Fan Facebook page- **Information to be determined** 

So please, feel free to follow me if you want to. Alright, now that's really it. Talk to you guys soon!! Bye<33

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