July 4th 2016: MCing On The Fourth (part 4):

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At the moment that Connor was about speak...

And probably say that things are over between us...

We had to go on stage and announce the next act. So, I did my usual routine, put on a fake smile, and started walking up the stage stairs. And when I looked at the set list while grabbing my mic, I read over the band name "Midnight Madness"... I had a flashback to what Kevin's band mate said... "Oh god..." I mumbled to myself. I made my way up, and put a bullshit smile. "How about that? One of your favorite YouTubers of all time live in action!" They cheered and chanted Ricky's name.

"Yeah,, now, considering it is close... This next has a very interesting name, don't ya think Sydney?"

"I think so, and your right, it is close to that time. It's 11:54." I said smiling at him.

"Well, then lets take some questions from twitter for a few minutes until that time.

"I'm down, I'm down." So, we took out our phones and went to twitter.

"Hey, here's a question!" I said to Connor.

"Amy's say's 'This question is more towards Sydney. Since the whole world now knows that you're dating... I was wondering, what is like dating a celebrity?" Amy asked.

I looked from my phone to the crowd. "Well, I do have a confession to make... I did freak out, moment I meet him. I was just like any other fangirl; I was a fan of his since WAY before we meet, and when I meet him it was like 'Oh my god!'. But, I did kind of forget that he was internet famous... Until his fans mob him."

"I have another one," I said. "Thomas, on twitter, said 'What was the reason I got into music and what was the reason got into YouTube?' Well, Connor, you can start this one off." I said to him.

"I was bored." Connor smiled.

"That's it?" I said to him. "Shortest story on the planet." I joked with him.

"You're up Syd." Connor smiled.

"Well, I found an old guitar in that attic of my old house and I started fooling around with it. Then I saw how much fun my best friend, Riley, was having with her guitar that she had... I thought that I would take up singing with guitar, It turned out that I wasn't half bad. (according to my mom.) So, I just went with it." I smiled to the people.

"Alright," Connor said scrolling threw his twitter feed. "Here's one, I like with one. Pete asked '@SydneyKutzin97 and @ConnorFranta, what's one thing about the other person would we never have guessed?' I'll start." Connor said. "One thing about Syd, that you guys probably wouldn't guess would be that she is that she is a writer. Seriously, she can sit at her computer nad write for hours and hours on end. Like, literally, I will text her and be like 'What are youn up to?' and she will be like 'Writing...' I seriously don't get how one person can write as much asz Sydney does." I stood there and smiled with my microphone at my side. "That's probably why she is so talkative." I hit him playfully. "Okay, Sydney, your turn." He said.

"One thing about Connor that you probably wouldn't have guessed... Wow, that's hard. He is so honest with all of you. One thing would probably be..." I paused. "One thing that you probably didn't know about Connor 'Monday' Franta is that, and this is probably going to sound clqueche because we are dating, but he is actually a very deep, personal, sweet, and thoughtful guy. Like, just the little things her dose. He always opens the doors for me, he always picks me up and droops me off at my door, and just things like that. And something else that he does, that's deep, is that he writes me little poems or our little inside jokes and just little meaningful and personal things. He's just a funny sweetheart." I looked over at Connor and he is blushing.

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