June 20 2016: The Perfect Day

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As I turned up the radio even more singing along to "Roar" by Katy Perry, I knew that those lyrics were definitely true to me, at the moment.. And with Gillian looking over at me from the drivers seat, she new that things were now looking up for me.


When we got to the diner everyone ate, besides for me. I only had a cup of water, because I had too many emotions to keep anything down. After we paid we decided to make a day of it and drive to L.A's out door shopping mall. We had a blast not caring about anything and every other text message I got was from Connor.


We hit all of our favorite stores, and more. The day was like none the other (and the party last night wasn't half bad!)

The next thing that I knew it was half past three and we have been at the shopping center for more then five hours... Not giving a shit. I haven't been talking to Connor because he said that he had some videos to film. We were at the bottom of a staircase by the mall map deciding what to do, and the I next thing I knew, I got a phone call while the girls were deciding what to do for dinner.

I thought that it was my mother saying to get home soon, but to my surprise... It was Connor.

Me: Hey you!

Connor: Hey!

Me: What's up??

Connor: You want to know what's up? Turn around.

I turned around and I saw Connor, Ricky, and J.C standing at the top of the staircase at the shopping center. We starting to running towards each other. We were in the middle of the staircase and he picked me up and spun me around.

"Hey!" I said shocked from surprise.

"Hey. How are you?" He said smiling.

"Better now! You?"

"Same... Oh, by the way, this is..."

"Trust me, I know who these guys are. I can't believe you brought them. Hi Ricky. Hey JC." I said, shocked like no other.

"Guys, this is Sydney." Connor said as I just stood there with a stupid smile on my face.


"Hey, Gillian is down there. Come on!" I said, inviting them to hang out with us.

"Gill!!" I yelled walking back down the stairs to my girls. She looked over to see me and the guys,

"Look who I found!" I said jokingly.

"Hey Con!! What's up?" She said hugging her cousin.

"Hey Ricky, hey JC!! What's up guys?" Gillian said hugging them.

With my star stuck passing over me and this being like every other day for Gillian, Danielle and Rachel just stood there speechless.

"Danielle, Rachel, this is Connor, Ricky, and JC."

"Hey." JC said

"How are you?" Ricky said.

"What's up?" Connor said.

The girls stood there like this was a dream. Danielle had a crush on JC for the longest time. And same with Rachel and Ricky.

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