July 4th 2016: Nervous On The Fourth (part 2)

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July 4th, 2014: Nervous On The Fourth: So, with Riley and Blake going back to their hotel, in their hot rental car, Connor and went in the opposite direction go back to his place to drop him off. We got back in the car and turned the radio on, that's when Pandora came on playing 'Be My Escape' by Relient K and I turned up the radio because I like that song. So, with that I started singing along.

It was about half way threw the song, when I looked over at Connor and he was looking at his phone. Just then we stopped at a stop light, so I picked up my phone from the cup holder right next to me, and texted him:

Me: "<3"

I saw him reading the message and them he looked over and smiled at me, I didn't take my eyes off the road, but I saw him in the sides of my eyes. I saw him right something back and I had a feeling that it was to me:

Connor: "You shouldn't be texting while your driving<3"

I heard my phone go off and I knew that it was him, so about two minutes later we caught another light, so I picked up my phone and answered him back.

Me: "Says the guy who is always texting while he's driving<3"

He got it about two seconds later, and I could feel his smile getting even bigger. That's when the song ended, and Connor turned down the radio and answered his phone. I can't make out the whole conversation, but when he hung up he told me the good(?) news.

He looked at me. "Okay, that was the band manager for the Cover band tonight at the big blow out party at Venice..."

"Yeah?" I said turning the corner.

"Guess who's hosting the show to night?"

"Oh no way! Congratulations, baby!!" I said to him.

"No, I should be saying that to you!" He continued.

"WHAT?!" I said freaking, and feeling like I shouldn't behind the wheel anymore, for the moment.

"Yeah, well, my aunt's best friend is the manager of the band playing tonight. And, I sent her the link to the video of you singing and she said that you had great talent. So, they were looking for a last minute MC for tonight, and they picked you!"

"WHAT?!" I said, freaking even more. I have to pull over. So, I turned the corner, pulled over, and put my hazard lights on.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked me.

"What's wrong?! There is going to be like 700 people at this party... I can't sing in front of 700 people!!"

"Come on, babe, of course you can."

"No, I can't. The other night, when I sang at the resturant there was like less then 150 people and I still felt..." He cut me off.

"BABE!!!" He said. "You can do it, and you will be awesome. I know you can."

"I don't know..." I told him.

"Trust me, if I didn't think you can do this, and if I didn't believe in you, then I wouldn't have sent her the video." He protested at me.

"Ugh, what time do I have to be there?"

"7:30?" Connor told me. I looked at my phone. It was about 5:45. Know that I showered this morning, I would just have to freshen up at home.

"Fine, but we are going shopping now." I told him.

He smiled. "So, you're going to do it?"

"Yeah, I'll do it." I said to him. He grabbed me and kissed me over the emergency brake of my car.

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