August 1st 2016: My First Headlining Concert! (pt 7) -Goodbye to my Dreams

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I stood there for a good five minutes, just looking at were my boyfriend...

I mean my EX-boyfriend...

...Once stood as tears rolled down my cheeks. I tried to keep it together till I passed all the fans and I got back to the hotel. I took a deep breath and whipped the tears from my eyes. I stared down the hall even though I though he is long gone.

I got back to the dressing room and everyone was in there- Ricky, Rachel R., Rachel B., Colleen, Josh, Trevor, Riley, Blake, JC, Danielle, and Kian.

I was in now in the mood for people...

I walked in and I looked at everyone dead in the eyes. I stood there with my hand on the doorknob behind me. "Everyone out." I said. With nothing but a pissed off, upset face on.

"Why do we have to..." Trevor started.

"Now please!!!" I said kind of raising my voice at them. They got up and walked confused and wondering what's up, but when the last person left, I shut the door and locked it behind me. I knelt down to the floor of my dressing room and starting picking up my clothes. And one by one, as I stuffed them in my suitcase and I was just a mess.

I finished stuffing everything back in there and closed my suitcase as I, pointless, dried my tears, because I knew that there were going to be more... I stood up and walked over to my guitar that was leaning against the vanity in the dressing room and I picked it up with my shaking hands. I untangled the pick from the strings and started to play of a slow version of 'Get Back With You', the song that Trevor and I wrote.

I walked around my dressing room singing slowly as I improvised a little bit. "You said you loved me. I fell for your lies, a second time. You said that I was your world, and inside... Now, that we're apart, I knew it from the start..." I sang slowly with the guitar, and the next thing I knew, a familiar voice chimed in...

The only other person who knew the words to this ballot...

"...I wanna get back, get back with you..." They sang as I swiftly turned around. We stared at each other, dead in the eyes. I took my guitar off and ran into his eyes...

He hugged me and held me tight as tears steamed from my eyes, down my face...

I gave him blood-curdling cries as he brought me to the floor.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" I screamed threw the sobs. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" I yelled.

"I know... I know..." Trevor said sitting by me, his arm around me holding me and squeezing me tight. "Shh.... Shh... He said rubbing my back. "It's going to be okay... Everything is going to be okay, I promise." He said as I bawled on his shoulder. "Everything's going to be okay, I promise." I cried louder and louder as he squeezed me tighter and tighter. "Everything's going to be alright, but just calm down. Calm down. I took a deep breath and he let me go, I sat up and looked at him.

"Thanks.." I said looking at him. He reached over for the box of tissues on the table and he took one. He moved back over to me and whipped my tears from my eyes. "You okay?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"No..." I told him looking down at the floor.

"What happened?" He asked me. I looked t him. "It was Kurt wasn't it?" I nodded and looked back at him.

"Aw, Syd..." Hugged.

"He said that it broke him the first time, but he could forgive me, but the second time was too much and it broke him..." I told Trevor.

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