July 11th 2016: Cheering Up Performances and... Secrets? (part 3)- Revenge:

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"Hey, Syd."

I looked at Kian "Yeah?" I said.

"Look up food stores in Santa Monica." He said.

I dug through my purse to find my phone in the bottom most corner or my purse. I went straight to Safari. "Okay... Food stores... Near San-ta... Mon-i-ca pi-er..." I typed. The answers came up... "Uh... There is one less then seven miles away, but it's not on the pier." I told him.

"Good. Now look up party stores." He said.

"Okay... Par-ty sto-res... near the Sna-ta Mon-i-ca pi-er..." with in like five seconds... "There is one with in ten miles." I said.

"Good." He said, smiling like some evil villain in a James Bond movie. "We are getting some revenge..."

At this point it was about 10:30. "What are you..." I tried to ask, but I interrupted and pulled away from the stage with some random guy singing a really bad cover of a Keith Urban song. We were running to my car, and we got in. "Okay, first go to the party store." Kian demanded from the back seat.

"Okay, can I find my keys first?" I asked rhetorically.

"NO!" Trevor yelled from the back.

"Shut up, Trevor!" I yelled from the driver's seat.

"Babe?" Connor said. I looked up to find m keys in my hand.

"Ugh, I almost had a heart attack. Remind me to clean my bag out when we get back." I said throwing an old gum rapper out the window as I rolled my eyes. I saw of my friends smile in the rearview mirror.

I was shoving things back in to my back with Connor's help.

"Go, go, go!!" Kian said.

"Geez, Ki." I said putting the key in the ignitions. "Glad to see you smiling about something.

"Yeah, well, I'm trying." I said.

I started the car and "Picture To Burn" by Taylor Swift comes on. "Oh, I love this song!" I said. I sang along and I saw some people starting dancing in their seats.

I am the only girl in the car... Keep that in mind.

"...Watch me strike out, mad, cause you're just another picture to burn!" I sang to the blasting radio. And that's when I got a text massage. We stopped at a red light, so I read:

Kian: "They are just going to be another 'picture to burn' tonight ;P"

I typed back quickly, before the light turned:

Me: "You got that right! Get your matches ready!!"

When the song was just about over, I lowered the radio. "Does JC, Danni, and those guys know where to meet us?" I asked.

"I told them to follow us." Kian said.

"Cool." I said. Then the light finally turned green and we went. I look in the mirror and Kian saw me. I winked him.

I turned the radio up and turned the corner, and about two minutes later we were at the party store. I parked the car, turned it off, and unbuckled. I turned to Kian. "Let's do this!!" He jumped out he "window" and I get out the driver's side with everyone following me. JC, Danni, and everyone got out of their car.

We busted through the door and went crazy. We spread out—Me and Connor. JC and Danni. Riley and Blake. Ricky and Trevor.

And I don't know where the hell Kian went...

'We grabbed anything and everything we could find—Silly string, spray paint, glow sticks, flashlights, etc.

We joined together to pay; with us literally spending about 75 bucks on shit.

"Thank you." Kian said as me and him grabbed the bags.

"Let's go fuck some shit up!" Connor said. I high-fived him and smiled at him. Kian and I put the bags in the trunk and went to the Food store just a couple miles back. We got into a car and ironically "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood came on. I smiled and raised the volume.

We got to he grocery store and me and Kian just ran in.

"Okay, you get the eggs and I'll get the toilet paper." I told him. So, we split up and got the stuff.

I went up and I paid for it with it being under 30 dollars. And of course Kian had to be recognized by the female, teenaged cashier. After she had a fan-girl attack for, what felt like, 25 minutes, we got into the car after put the groceries the Party City stuff. "Sorry, Kian had to get recognized by the teenager behind the cash register." I joked. I took the car out of park and looked at the time. "DAMN!!!" I said. "It's already 11:30??" I asked. And then we were off to our destination.

I think you know what's going to happen next...

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