July 30th 2016: Best Weekend Of My Life- Nothing But A Memory

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We walked off the stage, and found that Riley was still recording for me. We walked off and I passed her, I put my hand over the camera lens and shut it off. "Thanks honey!" I said taking the camera from her.

"No problem. And by the way, that was really cute." She said.

"Thanks, I thought something nice for me to for this guy, and the crowd would like it."

"Yeah, they were going nuts for the Sonnor couple." Riles said.

"Yeah they were." I said.

She looked at me kind of funny and then turned to Connor. "Wait, did you know that she was going to call you on stage?" She asked him.

"Nope." He answered. "Not a single idea."

"Total surprise" I chimed in.

"Awe, that's so cute!!!" She said. I smiled and blushed. He rolled his eyes with a smile. "And it got everyone's attention back here... Even..." She got interrupted by one of my biggest idols- iJustine.


"H-hi..." I said to her not know what to say to one biggest YouTube idols.

"Hi, I know that I have to be on stage right now, but band too over for a second... Anyway, I just wanted to say that... And this is going to sound crazy... But, I-I love you. Like literally, I am your biggest fan.

"What??" I freaked.

"Like that last number you did was absolutely amazing!!" She continued.

This can't be happening right now...

And I have the best best friend in the world, because Riles was recording the whole thing.

"Could I get your autograph really fast?" She asked handing me a notepad and a pen.

"Ah... Sure..." I said taking it form her. I signed it:

"Thank you for being my biggest YouTube idol... And for telling me which laptop I should get." Your biggest idol~ Sydney Kutzin

I handed the things back to her and she read it. He jaw dropped. "I'm your biggest idol?" I nodded... "Like from day one." I admitted.

"Oh my god, this is incredible.. I mean if I didn't have to go and introduce the next act, I would stay and chat, but uhm, here." She said handing me her phone. It had the 'new contact' screen on it.

"And.. There." I said giving it back to her, She text someone.

"There, I just texted you." I thanked her and she smiled. We hugged each other and her and Connor walked back on stage and she had her not book on her hand. "Wow guys!" She started. "Can you believe that Sonnor collaboration?" She said making the crowd roar. I smiled, and walked away know that I didn't have to film the next act because I didn't know him. She was Terra Naomi. So I ran to wardrobe and changed while she sang, because I didn't want to miss the next two acts.

I got to wardrobe and we decided before that I was going to wear a crop top, pink and black tank top and a tight, high waisted skirt with black pumps. We threw jewelry on me, I threw on a light black jacket, and I ran out in four minutes flat. Lucky, she just ended and Connor and Justine were introducing Christina Grimmie, the next act. I decided too tape some of her because her voice was actually really good.

She ended and Connor and Justine introduced Rebecca Black, and of course, I did record that because Rebecca is my friend. Rebecca wound up singing my moment. And half way threw her performance; I turned the camera off, and got ready know that I was going to start from the back of the place. I saw Rebecca come off and the hosts go off so I knew that I had to the back of the audience. "Well, after hearing that, I am now liking Fridays more." Connor said.

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