July 31, 2016: Best Weekend Ever -Disaster to Friendship (P8) -Connor Snapped

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We finally got to the signing hall. We were led in by security. We all followed each other and Connor and I were hand in hand. We walked in first and everybody followed behind us. I smiled as the crowd cheered. I smiled and looked over at Connor. He smiled happiness for me knowing that this is everything that I wanted in the world.

      As we were walking to our table, the crow got quiet and I heard one distinct person scream "LOOK, IT'S SONNOR!!" The crowd went insane and the someone started a chant and the crowds joined. For a good five minutes, the crowd "Kiss her! Kiss her!" Connor nodded my way, so I went into my bag and took out my vlogging camera. "Hey guys," I said to the camera. "So, I fished the Z100 concert, and I am with the meet-and-greet with everyone. I turned the camera on my cline of friends and they all waved. "And when we got our to our signing table a very... Interesting chant started." I talked. "Here listen..." I said turning the camera on the crowd of people where still chanting. And at this point I had the Colleen and Rachel Ballinger to my left and Connor and the rest of my friends to my right and we were all a little uneasy about this. "So, I all about giving everything that you want. So... I  think we are going to do it..." I said with Connor in the shot. He looked down and blushed a little bit. I turned the camera on just me. "So, I am going to have my friend, Gillian film and... We are going to do it..." I said. I handed the camera to Gillian who took it and talked to it while she walked around the table. I took the mic that on of the volunteers handed to me after Connor helped to me. "Alright, alright." I said into the mic. "I all about giving you guys want, and Connor and I heard your request... So, we are going to do it." I spoke as Gill filmed. "So... Here we go..." I said... I looked over at Connor, nervously. He nodded in approval and with his hands on my hips, and my hands on his cheeks and our eyes closed...

      We went for it and it happened so fast...

      When it was done, after a good ten seconds, we broke apart and...

      The. Crowd. Went. Ballistic.

      Connor stepped of his chair and then helped me off mine. I handed the microphone back to the guy and took it. "Let the meet-and-greet begin!" And at this point the vlog camera was back in my hands. "Well there you go, all you Sonnor fans." I said to the camera. "Alright, you guys." I chuckled. "I'll talk to you guys later." I said putting my hand over the camera and turning it off. I put the camera away and I nodded at the officer that I was ready to start.

      It was a half an hour later and finally I got to my biggest fan ever. My face lit up like no other. Her and her mother started at Colleen, like she was suppose to, and went down. I quickly go out my vlogging camera from my bag and turned it on. "Alright guys. I want to introduce you guys to the cutest little girl, ever. Her name is Emily and she's seven. I had her up on stage tonight, and she was really, really adorable and the smallest, little seven year-old I have ever seen." I said to the camera. I turned Rachel and she vlogged for me. Her mom picked her up for me and handed her to me. I took her over the table and held her with her arms around my neck. "This is Emily." I said to the camera. I turned to her and pointed to the camera. "Say hi." I said to the shy little girl in my arms.

      "Hi..." She said so shy.

      "Did you like the show?" I asked her. She nodded yes and my heart melted. I looked back to the camera and then back at her. I looked over at her beautiful mother and gave her the look of a melted heart.

      "She loves to sing." Her mother said.

      I turned to her and I smiled. "You like to sing?" I asked her with m camera still going. She nodded crazily and I smiled. "Could you sing something for my camera?" I smiled and asked her. And then the adorable little gils starting belting out 'Tomorrow' from Annie.

      I smiled with my heart melting in my chest as this adorable little, seven year-old in my arms sang for my vlog.

      She stopped singing and I smile as we all clapped for her. I looked at the camera still with Emily and I smiled. "She is adorable. Alright guys, I just wanted you to meet her. I will talk to you later. Bye!" I said. I turned to Emily. "Can you say 'bye'?" I asked her.

      "Bye!!" She yelled. I laughed as she waved and I put my hand over the camera and Rachel turned it off. She gave me back my camera and I thanked her for filming this for me. I looked at her and as her if she wanted a picture and she nodded. Her mom took some picture of her and I could be more adored. "Do you want to take a picture with me and Connor?" I asked her and she nodded. I tapped Connor and I turned to him. "Hey, Con." I said. "This is Emily and her mom. This is the little girl that I brought on stage with me."

      "Hi cutie." He smiled at her making her laugh by tickling her tummy.

      "Hi." She smiled.

      "She wants picture with the three of us." I told him. He nodded without a problem and Emily's mom took the picture. We smiled with Emily in my arms in between Connor and Me.      

      "Alright, and one more..." Her mom said taking the third one. She looked over at me and I asked her to take a couple with my camera. She nodded and I gave it to her. I got one of just the two of us, on of the three of us, and one of just Emily and Connor. I thank her mother and her mother turned to me. "Hey, why don't I get your information and you can come by and hang out with Emily anytime. Maybe babysit of give her lessons or anything... She has been dying for singing lessons. You know, yours and her dreams aren't that different." Her mom said.

      My face lit up. "Yeah, I would love to." I smiled. She turned the page where I signed for her daughter and I wrote down my information like email, cell and home numbers, and anything else she might need to get in touch with me. "Here you go." I said handing her mom the book and the pen. I smiled wildly at her.

      "Thank you so much." She said putting the notepad on the table. "And this is for you." She said. She handed me her card with all of her information on it. She wrote Emily's name and her cell number on the back of it and handed it to me with my camera. I picked my bag up off my chair and I put both things in there. "Thank you Mrs. Edison." I said reading the card before I put it way.

      "Not a problem." She said. "But, please call my Carrie." Her mother said.

      "Thank you Carrie and I would love her lessons. She help my dreams come true by watching m y videos and listening to my music, the least I can do is reciprocate." I told her. "And your daughter is absolutely amazing." I told Carrie.

      "Thank you so much, Emily is really your biggest fan. She is obsessed with you. And probably will be for a very, very long time." Carrie said.

      "Thank you so much." I smiled and hugged over the table. I took a picture with her. "Alright, but I don't want to hold the line up anymore so I will to the rest of them and then head out because she is up very late. But, we are here for the rest of VidCon and then we go home to Los Angeles, so wed should do lunch tomorrow." She said. "My treat." She said.

      "Okay awesome, and perfect but I'll buy. I couldn't let you do that." I told her.

      "No, of course. I will call you in the morning." She said. I nodded and I took Emily from Connor.

      "Alright girly," I said. "I will see you tomorrow." She nodded in my arms and gave me hug and then they left.

      I will never forget her, thank God we are going to become close.

It was about fourty-five minutes and the meet-and-greet was over and then it all turned to

      ...Complete and utter hell!!!

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