July 16th 2016: Frantasitic Franta Fam<3 (pt 4)- Here I Go (pt 2) [Sydneys POV]

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I sat there on my phone going from social medias to social medias trying to get my mind off my nerves and that I could get sick from it any minute now...

What have I got myself into?...

I got out of Instagram and we right to my messages. I made a new text message to Connor and I wrote "I don't think I can do this..." and right before I hit sent, I got a message from him:

Connor: "You can come to the door when you are ready. =)"

I read the message and opened the door and leaned over. Rob looked at me. "Are you alright sweetie?" He asked. I started hyperventilating and my mind going to all the negative extremes... "I don't think I can do this..." I told him. "This is too much..." He got out of the car and ran around to me. He got to my level. "Honey, it's going to be okay. I promise you, just take a deep breath." He coached. "I promise you that it will be okay. Connor seems like a good kid who knows how to judge people, and if he didn't think that you were the absolute one, then you would not be here right now. I promise you will be alright. Now, I know you don't feel right, but stand up." He said reaching his hand out to me to help. I took his hand and stood up. "Now take a deep breath" I followed his instructions. "Breathe..." Right then my phone went off:

Connor: "Are you alright, babe?"

I looked at it but I didn't answer.

Connor: "Forever?"

I read it but I didn't answer. "Now, go charm the pants of his parents." I smiled at him and went. I took it step by step with my bag on my left arm and my phone lighting up again in it:

Connor: "I know you can do this, babe. I promise they will love you. Forever, baby<3"

I got to the door and took a deep breath and knocked.

"You could have brought her with you." I hear Mrs. Franta say threw window by the door.

"Mom? Could you please get that?" Someone said. I heard someone get up and come walking to the door.

My heart was racing...

I heard the door get unlocked.

I was ready to faint...

"Hello? Can I help you?" Mrs. Franta said.

"Hi, I'm Sydney... I heard that there was birthday here?" I said.

"Yeah, it's my birthday, but who are..." I looked at her.

She didn't recognize me...

"Connor?..." She asked. "Let me see your phone..." She said. He got up and put our picture next to me.

"Wait... Are you..." I looked at her confused. "Sydney?" I nodded. "Like... My son's girlfriend, Sydney?" She asked. I nodded.

"Oh my... Wait, Sydney?" She asked. Connor laughed. "What? Hi... I... What? CONNOR!!!" She said tearing up, but smiling...

"Happy Birthday!" I said smiling. She gave me a hug and then let me in. "CONNOR!!!! Why didn't you tell me?" She said sound disappointed in him, but happy. "Come on in honey." She told me. It took me a second, but I realized that the whole thing was video taped. I rolled me eyes and followed Connor. The camera was turned off and handed back to Connor. "Oh, by this is Brandon, Nicola, Dustin, and my dad." He introduced.

"Hi, how are you?"

"You know, we were just talking about you." Mrs. Franta said.

"Oh gosh..." I said looking at Connor.

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