July 4th 2016: MCing on the Fourth (part 5):

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After I changed costumes with Riley, I had about less then 30 seconds to bolt and announce Trevor Moran as the final act besides me. Trevor was going to do his three songs. So, I got there grabbed my mic, fixed my hair, double checked the list, and walked up.

More nervous that my mom told me there was about half a million people watching it on LiveStream... Thanks mom!

"Well, well, well, I think we had a pretty good Fourth of July, right?!" The crowd went berserk. "There were famous people like Rebecca Black and Ricky Dillon." I said to them. They screamed, of course. "And let's not forget, my co-host tonight, Mr. Connor Franta." They screamed even more. "And we also had some locally famous groups like 'The Warriors' and 'Midnight Madness'." I announced.

Then Connor stepped in. "But, of course all good things must come to end.." The crowd awed.

"But, Connor, I think we might still have one more trick up our sleeve? Right?" I said to him, hypothetically.

"Now, that you mentioned it... Wait, a second." The word 'second' echoed in the microphone. "Hey, Syd?" He said, with my name echoing.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Is there some kind of echo up here?" He asked me, joking.

"Hello? Hello?" I said into the microphone. "Yeah, I think there is..." I said.

"That could only mean one thing!" Connor concluded.

"A.V technical problems?" I asked him.

"Okay, two things." He said. The audience laughed.

"Yes, probably AV equipment problems, or the fact that we have one more surprise here tonight.." Connor stated.

"so, you are saying we have a little friend for our wonderful audience to meet?" I asked.

"Yes, I think I am. Let's get him out here." Connor said.

"Okay." I said. "Come on out here..." I said.

"Trevor Moran!!!!" Connor and I said simultaneously with hi name echoing. Trevor came up with a few words to the crowd before he started his first song. Connor and I left the stage.

After Trevor spoke to the crowd and sang Someone, Thee Dark Side, and Echo. He said his good nights and goodbyes and left the stage. It was about 12:45 when he was done.

Then it was my turn to close the show, and the most important part of any show is the opening and closing... And that is going to be in front of over half a million people. Oh dear lord.

I took a deep breath as Connor and Ricky were introducing me. I was going to do a collaboration with Rebecca Black of 'Everywhere' by Michelle Branch. Then a solo of 'Invisible' by Ashlee Simpson. And then a duet with Riley of '4ever' by the Veronicas. And then close the show with 'Ultimate' by Lindsay Lohan.

Good lord, I was nervous. How do famous singers do this on tour every night for six months?

The said my name and I walked up the stairs. I waved o the crowd and hugged Connor and Ricky.

"Wow, thank you guy for that very sweet introduction." I said the bringing my mic down. They walked away as I said that. "So, are you guys having a blast tonight?" The went wild. "Good, good. I am glad to hear that. So, how did you guys like Trevor Moran?" The we crazy loud. "That's what I thought too. Guy's got some talent." The cheered again. I have a couple questions for you guys. Now my first question is how would you guys feel if I preformed a few songs before we closed the show?" The cheered, so I guess they didn't mind. The music for 'Everywhere' started. "So, this one is going to be a duet and there are people everywhere, but not the person who I would like this song with." The looked confused. "Now, this person, she sang earlier in the show, lives in your words, and well, knows the days of the week. Come on up, here Rebecca." The crowed cheered and Rebecca Black emerged from the audience. Starting to sing the song.

After that I hugged her and she left, so I did my second to last solo of the night. "Hey, guys, I have another question for you. Do you guys ever go into a crowded place and just feel completely invisible?" They screamed. "Well, so does Ashlee Simpson."

I did that song and invited Riley up on stage. "Now, you guys remember my good friend Riley from earlier tonight, right?" They answered 'yes' in concert talk. "Well, we always said that we would be friends forever... So, what better song to sing then 4ever by the Veronicas to celebrate that w have been best friends forever for exactly 10 years tonight!!" everyone screamed and cheered for us. Me and Ri sang the song and interacted with the crowd a lot by walking threw, touching their hands, etcetera.

It was so much fun... I missed performing with her back home in Jersey.

After we finished '4ever', it was the moment we have all been waiting for: The. Final. Song. Of. The. Night.

I loved every minute of the night, but I was ready to go home.

"So, unfortunately, I only have time for one more song to night. But, before I sing this last ballet, I just want to say thank you guys so much for coming out tonight or watching at home on LiveStream, every, single, last one of you means the old to everyone on this stage tonight. So, please, do me a favor and Always be the ultimate you!!!"

About 50 seconds into the song, after the first chorus was over, the fire works started. When there song was coming to an end, and there was only about one verse to only a few lines left, the music continued as I said my thank you's and goodbyes. "I wanna give a huge thank you to everyone who preformed here tonight. Especially, Rebecca Black, Ricky Dillon, and Trevor Moran! You guys rock. I want to thank the crew behind the scenes for all the awesome work that they did. And most importantly, I want to give a huge, giant shout out to each and everyone of you, either at home or here in front of me. Every last, stinking one of you mean the absolute world to me and all of us. I love you guys!!!" The fireworks finished as the song, the I stretched out, completed. The stage went black. And the show ended.

And so did the most, epic night of my life. It was a total, total dream com true. BELIEVED IN YOURSELF AND YOU WILL GO FAR<3

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