July 15th 2016: Getting Ready To Fly Half Way Across The Country

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I woke up at home at about eight o'clock to a phone call from Ricky. I answered:

Me: "Hello?"

Ricky: "Hey, did I wake up?"

Me: "No not at all."

Ricky: "Cool. Well, are you busy??"

Me: "No, just packing."

Ricky: "Well, wanna come and hike up to the Hollywood sign?"

Me: "Yeah, why not? Just me and you?"

Ricky: "Yeah. Me, you, JC, Kian, and your lover."

Me: "Oh god. Rick!"

Ricky: I'm just kidding, but no, yeah Connor's coming."

Me: "Cool. What time should I be at your place?"

Ricky: "Well, actually, we are going to be at your place in about five minutes."

Me: "Well, okay then."

Connor: "Turn here. Wait, we're on her street... Wait, let me see the phone."

Connor: "Hey babe." We are turning on..."

In the background...

Ricky, JC: "Awe, babe. Connor called her babe!!!"

Connor: "Yo, shut up. You almost broke us up a few days ago"

Connor: "Anyway, we are pulling onto your street. We should be there at in about less then two minutes."

Me: Alright, well you guys are going to have give me a minute. Wait, are you wearing gym clothes?"

Connor: "Just like shorts. Hiking stuff, babe."

Me: "Alright, alright. I'm sorry stupid question. Anyway, I need coffee."

Connor: "Tell me about it..."

In the background...

Connor: "Ricky, turn here."

Connor: "Well, Ricky just missed your house but we will be in you house within the next minute."

Me: "Alright, baby. I'll see you in a minute. Literally."

Connor: "Alright. See ya soon. Forever?"

Me: "Forever."

Times like this, it really makes me with that I lived by myself... I really need to move out...

I hung up the phone. And I literally threw on the first thing that I saw in my closet. I check my phone and the weather said that it was like 98 degrees. I wound up wearing my short, ripped jean shorts, my red decorative tank top, and my red converse sneakers. I literally threw on eye shadow and cover up just so I had something on when they got here.

Buy the time I finished getting dress there was a knock at my front door. I went down stairs and answered the door. "Hey you." I said, kissing Connor.

"Hey." He hugged me.

"Where are the guys?"

"Oh they are in the car."

"They can come in?" I said, confused on why they didn't.

"No it's cool."

I rolled my eyes. "What are you embarrassed of where I live? We all know that my mother is sleeping right upstairs." I walked passed him in the doorway and there and knocked on Ricky's driver's side window.

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