June 18th 2016: The Goods and the Bads

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The next the day I had to go to school because I had like three test... I knows, my life sucks. I winded up putting on a tank top, a giant Victoria Secret sweatshirt, and jean shorts not caring it was like a hundred degrees out. During second block I literally was debating on ditching so I wouldn't have to deal with Jake. Luckily, I didn't because Rachel was in my class and she calmed me down and convinced me to stay. So I did. I got through those eighty minutes of hell and made it to study hall where I could listen to music and drown out the world.


After study hall, I could finally find my girls at lunch.. Even though I didn't feel like eating anything... I saw Jake and Megan talking to each other and holding hands... It broke me. I start crying. I hated everything. Someone I barley knew asked me if I was okay, and of course I said yes but I really wasn't. I ran over to our usual lunch table and found Megan and she ask me what happened.

"I saw Jake and the jerk talking and holding hands. I guess he gets over people pretty fast..." I start crying even more, not caring who see; Megan comforted me. And then Rachel come over to our table with an apple and peanut butter and sees me.

"What happened?" Rachel asks Megan with a sad, concerning tone in her voice.

"She saw Jake and his new fling PDAing." Danielle whispers to Rachel as I burry my hands in my sweatshirt knowing my mascara's all over my face. Rachel leave to get some napkins and comes back and starts comforting me.

Megan reminds me of something by saying "Hey, Syd, don't forget! It's Friday and tonight's Gillian's big party!!" she said excitingly.

"I'm not going" I am solemnly.

"Why?!" Rachel pleaded.

"Because, I was suppose to go with Jake and we had this whole thing planned out and he is absolutely, definitely going, and now he is probably going with his new slut-friend." I said upsettingly.

"So??" Megan and Rachel said simultaneously.

"Lets go and give him something to look at!" Rachel said way to cheerfully.

"We could make him regret what he did to you!" Megan said comforting.

Eventually they convinced me into going.

Even though I was very apprehensive about going.


Later that that afternoon, Rachel, Danielle, Gillian, and me went last minute shopping. Gillian was another one of my good friends and was just as supportive for me about the whole Jake piece of hell.

We debating on shopping but decided against it. We still had to help Gillian decorate. We all picked out things from our closet, showered, and then me, Rachel, and Danielle drove in one car over to Gillian's house to get ready. Before I left I had a picture of me and Jake from one our very first dates at a carnival that we went to, so I put it face down on my desk to get it out of my head. I knew that even though I was going to see Jake with Megan, tonight, I could completely for get about that, because II was going to be with my three best girlfriends.


When Rachel came to get me I was outside waiting with tears in my eyes.

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