July 30th 2016- Best Weekend Of My Life- HE LIED TO ME?!

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About a minute Riley came up from behind me. "What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Nothing... I-I'm fine." I lied.

"Come on. I have known you all my life... I know when something's up. What is it?" She asks.

"Nothing... It's just..." I started.

"Tell me.." She demanded.

"It's just... I know I should be happy because all my wildest dreams are coming true this weekend, but I just not. I mean I am, but... you know, my mom is stuck working and packing this weekend, Connor has a singing to go to at the same time as my first show, and then on the other hand, there is my father... It just doesn't fell right...

"Honey, sit down." Riley told me. I said on the white chairs and she held my hands across the small table. "There is nothing harder then loosing some one that you were so close to you for so long and then lost touch with. Trust me. I mean, I feel you. My Aunt Jess.. She was like my best friend... Well besides you. I thought of he as my everything- For every problem, every answer, every need. She was my mother figure that I never had since my mom walked out on us when I was two. There was nothing. And if this was my dream that were coming true this weekend then I know that my aunt would want me to live it up! Live it to the end and enjoy every second of it. There is nothing to loose. You are amazing and perfect in every sense of the word." She said holding my hand and having my back.

"You right, but it still feels wrong..." I said. "I mean, tonight I have to do the Welcoming concert and I don't know if I can." I said. "I mean Connor has a moonlight signing and you are going to be with Blake and all of O2L has something that they got to do.. Except for Trevor because he is performing, but I don't know... There are going to be at least 900 people out there and about 800 of them are fans." I said with a sigh. "And I am opening the show." I added.

"Alright." She said standing up. "That's it." She pulled me out of my seat. "You worked too long and too hard for this and you are going to go out there and be amazing. No, I want you to snap out of it, and go and get ready." She said realizing that the sweet talk wasn't working.

"You right.. Snap out of it Sydney!!!" I yelled.

She looked at my schedule... "There ya go!!! Now... I would go now because according to this, sound check is at six and it is... 4:30..."

"Okay, I am going to shower and when I am done blow drying my hair, you are going to curl it as I do my make up. I am just going throw on crappy clothes because wardrobe it going to help me out when I get there." I told her. "Okay awesome... GO!!!!" She wound up yelling. I ran into the hotel room bathroom and was done with the shower in about five minutes because I also showered this morning. With my phone and my vlog camera charging, I had no worried except for the time. I blew my hair dry in another five minutes and ran out of the bathroom to throw on my ripped jean and a baby pink, rufflely tank to that I don't care about. "RILES!!!" I yelled she jumped up and went back into the bathroom to the hot curling iron. "I think I am just going to sparkles... LOTS. AND LOTS of sparkles..." I emphases.

"That would be our best bet and false eyelashes." Riley said.

We were done in record time- About a half hour. I threw everything into my neon pink, long-strapped purse and then texted Trevor:

Me: "Hey, you coming to my room?"

I sent the message and there was an immediate knock at the door. I got up and answered the door; it was Trevor. "Hey you. I just tested you." I told him at the doorway.

"Ya ready?" He asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I in my white wedges.

"Let's do this." He said high-fiving me.

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