July 23 2016: Our Second First Date (part 7)

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"It's your turn." Connor said. I pulled his jacket back over my shoulders.

"It is?" I asked. "Alright, My favorite movie of all time?" I asked.

"The Fault In Our Stars." He said. I nodded yes with a smile. "You only made me watch it in theaters with you like a ten thousand times..." He smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, your turn." I said.

"Okay, my first YouTube video ever... On O2L." He said.

"Oh good lord..." I said...

"I know, it was so long ago..." Connor said.

"No, I mean could you possibly picked an easier question?" I asked.

"Uh?" He asked me. "That was like over two years ago." He said.

"Yeah, and it was called 'Stay Sexual With Connor Franta." I smiled.

"Damn girl." He said looking down at me.

"I told you I was like your biggest fan ever." I said. "It's probably creepy how much I know about you." I laughed.

"You are good." He smiled. I flip my hair in an 'I-know' way. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, your turn. Go." He said.

"Uhm... Where was I born?" I asked with emphases on the word 'born'. "Think about the word 'born'" I told him.

"Oh... I know this..." He said.

"It was a small town." I said.

"Oh, it's... Horseheads, Upstate New York?" He asked

"Dayum, boy. You're good!" I said. "That is impressive." I said.

"Thank you." He said. "Okay, my turn." He smiled. "Uhm... What was the first gift I gave you?" He asked.

"Flowers... On our first first date..." I said.

"Are you su—" He started.

"Wait, no!!" I said. "Knowing you, this would be a trick question." I continued. "Remember the day after Gillian's party, you and the guys meet me and the girls at the LA. Outlets and I had no idea that you were coming?" I asked

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Well, after we went out for dinner, we went out for ice cream. And you bought you mine." I said. "And that was the first gift you bought me." I said.

"Is that your final answer?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's my final answer." I said.

"You were so close. And you don't know this but when we paying the bill, and we got separate bills for whatever reason, I paid for yours." He told. "But, I will take the ice cream answer, only because you didn't know that."

"Wait, no you didn't... I remembered paying for that meal. I know, because I asked..." I stop myself right in my tracks and looked up at the smile on Connor's smug, cute, little face. "You to make sure that she got mine...." I said. "Oh my god... You didn't." I asked. Connor burst out laughing. "BABY!!!" I said hitting him jokingly. "Now I know how my debit card got back in my bag before I got back from the bathroom..." I rolled my eyes and crossed me arms acting like I was pissed off at him.

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