August 1st 2016- Best Weekend Of My Life- Did They Just Break Up??? (Part 2)

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It was about 1:30 and we only just left the Sonnor meet-and-greet that was extended another hour and a half. "Thank you, and please give your daughter a birthday hug for me." I told the guard as were leaving."

      "Wait, before you go... I was just wondering... If you're not in too much hurry..." He hesitated to ask.

      "Let me see your phone." I smiled at him. He entered in his pass code and handed it to me. I went onto the camera and turned it to 'video'. I hit record.

      And apparently Connor got it on my vlog camera...

      "Hey McKenzie-Jane. It's me Sydney and I am here with Connor... Who apparently has my camera and is filming me filming... Anyway, and I am also here with someone that you might know quite well..." I turned and put her dad in the video. "This guy... Your dad was one of the security guards at mine and Connor's meet-and-greet... So, a little birdie told me that it's your fourteenth birthday today, so I wanted to make this for you... On the little birdie's phone... Anyway, this song is for you... Happy, happy birthday to you...Happy, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday McKenzie... I love you and best wishes." I drummed on my leg with my hand while singing next to her dad. "Another year older, another wiser. I love you and McKenzie... Happy, Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, McKenzie-Jane!!! I just wanted to send my best wishes to you and I wanted to say thank you for all the support your dad said that you gave me, well and Connor. And for that, I heard that you were coming to my beach show tonight, so... I wanted to invite you backstage to meet me... All you have to do is show this video to the backstage security and they should let you back,.. Even though I think you know one of the guards... Alright, Kenz, I have to go, but please have a great day and the  best, and healthy, wishes to you on your big day!! I love you!!" I blew the camera a kiss and I smiled and stopped it.
       "Here you go, Mr..." I said handing the guard his cell phone.

      "Martinez." He said. "But call me Mike." He said.

      "Well Mike, you can send your daughter that message and... I would love for her to come backstage tonight." I said to him. He smiled and I hugged him.

      " Thank you so much. This will make her birthday... Especially after her mother passed away."

      "Not a problem, at all. That's what I am here for." I told him.

      "Oh, and by the way... You can really sing."

      "Thank you." I said. I hugged him again. "I'll see you backstage tonight." I smiled and Connor and I went on our way as I put my camera back in my bag.

      We walked out of there like we just won the lottery... I looked over and heer caught me, so we smiled at each other and he took my hand. Walked back to the main campus and that when it happened...

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