June 19th 2016: The Conversation

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The next morning I woke to text messages from Jake. I read the message from the jerk they call "Jake"


Jake: Hey, I saw you at the party last night talking to that guy.

Me: Hi? Yeah, and your point is?

Jake: Well , It made me realize that you are sill the same cool, down-to-earth girl that you were when I first meet you.

Me: Thanks, but I was blinded my the "new love" feelings and you wanna know want I realized what I found out?

Jake: What? (:

Me: That you are just anoher one of those jerky guys that uses a girl just to say that you are in a relationship and then dumps her for some dumbass, stupid reason like you heard bad rumors about her? And, for your information, I NEVER CHEATED ON YOU!!! SO, if you think you could get me back by complementing ,e the same way you did 6 months ago, when you first asked me out... Then you got a whole other thing coming to ya.


Me: That's what I thought... Nothing to say as usual. I thought so.

Right after I send my last message to Jake, I heard Danielle waking up on floor next me and at the same time my phone rang playing some default ring tone that my iPhone came with. (I have to change that!) I looked at the caller I.D and you would never guess who it was... JAKE. (Surprise, surprise.) I debate on weather or not to let voicemail get it and I (stupidly) answer it.

Me: Hello?

Jake: Hey, I thought that it would be easier just to call you.

I went into another room so I would wake up the other two girls. Danielle followed me and I showed her who it was. I put the phone on speakerphone and made sure she was quiet. I was pissed,

Me: Maybe I would be easier for you just to leave me alone.

Jake: Okay, you're mad. I get that.

Me: No shit.

Jake: Just hear me out.

Me: Awesome, I get to start off my morning with a good laugh.

Jake: I'll ignore that. All I wanted to say that was that I am really sorry and that seeing you with another guy, at the party last night, really hurt me.

Me: I didn't seem like it hurt you when you were all over Megan.

Jake: I told you to hear me out!!!

Me: Whatever.

Jake: I knows that I broke up with you and that I should be fine with it but to be honest I am not. I really regret what I did and I am so sorry.

I rolled me eyes and Danni giggled at how pathetic Jake was being.

Jake: I am really sorry and if we could still be friends or even try out again I would love to see you.

I BURSTEDX OUT laughing!

Me: I would love to give you another chance (Said sarcastically)

Jake: Really?? That's unbelievable...

Me: I know, because that's not going to happen!

Danni chuckled even more.

Jake: Excuse me?

Me: Jake, it's over and that's final. That was your choice and I had absolutely nothing to do with it. We are, now, nothing but memories... And to be honest I couldn't be happier. Sorry, but the jokes on you.

Jake: But... But...

Me: But, nothing. I don't know who you think you are by asking to see me again, or even calling and texting me. We're done. We're over. Goodbye. Go cry over the memories that we had over the past 6 moths. Bye-Bye Jake.

Jake: Fine If that is the was you want it then that is the way you will have it.

Me: That is the way YOU wanted it! I just don't want to get back together. It was YOUR choice and you know it. You just don't want to be responsible.

Jake: Oaky, okay. But if you don't want to go out again, then at least we could be friends..

Me: Let me think about that... No!!

Danielle tried to hold in her laughter.

Jake: FINE!!!

Jake hung up the phone and finally that little piece of hell was over.

"That was epic!!" Danielle said as she sat up and saw me a little pissed but still about to cry.

"What's wrong??" she said hugging my side.

"I just kind of still miss him even though I just acted like a hate him and that I am glad that we broke up." I said though my teary eyes.

"I know, I know. But just think about it, he is a jerk who dumped you fro that Megan bitch. And that you and Connor seemed to have good vibes between you too.

"I knows. I said sniffling. Started to cheer up.

"Good!" Danni said smiling and hugging me.

We left the room we were in and went back to Gillian's room where wed slept. When we walked in we saw Rachel and Gillian up and kind of ease dropping on what ws going on. They heard pretty much everything.

"Hey." I said looking at them.

"Hey." They said at the same time.

"I think you made the right choice." Gillian said smiling.

"Same here." Rachel chimed in.

I smiled know that my girls would always be by my side. "Thanks." I said through my smile.

Eventually we officially got up and cleaned up Gillian's room showered and got dress. Me, Danielle, and Rachel borrowed some of Gillian's clothes. Gill didn't care. After we were done getting ready, it was only about 10:00, we decided to go to the dinner for breakfast.

We all climbed in to Gillian's car and went. I was in the front seat. On the way there I go a text from, none other then Connor, and my stomach got that butterfly feeling.

Connor: Hey, thanks again for last night. It was a lot of fun to finally meet a normal girl, for once.

Before I knew I had the biggest smiled on my face that I haven't had in a while. Gillian looked over at me, without me knowing, and my smile made her smile, with that she blasted the radio even more as I answered him.

Me: No problem. It was a lot of fun on my end too.

I started belting out the lyrics to the blasting Katy Perry's Roar.


I felt my go off again...

Connor: There is this girl at the same party that was really nice and sweet and I was wondering if she would like to see me again?...

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