June 28th 2016: A Rainy Dream in L.A. (Part 2) - The Video

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on Connor's door. I opened my eyes and found me lying on Connor's right arm and his left arm wrapped around my waist and out legs tangled up in each other. Connor's was still sleeping, and he looked so cute when he was sleeping...Just saying. So, because I didn't want wake him up, I didn't move. The person at the door walked in and it turned up to be Ricky. Ricky walked over to the bed to see if we were still sleeping. I opened my eyes and gave Ricky the "shhh" symbol to say Connor was a still asleep. So, Ricky gave me a thumbs up and he left the room. So, I put my head back down and closed my eyes to go back to sleep, but about five minutes later Connor woke up. He looked at me and woke up with a kiss.

After he kissed me, I opened my eyes. "Hey." I said smiling at him and kissed him again.

"Hey baby." He said. "Sorry, to wake you"

"No worries," I said "I'm glad you did." I smiled. We sat up, stretched, and looked at each other. Connor put his arm around me. There was another knock at the door.

"Come in!" Connor yelled. So, the person walked in and it wound up being JC.

"Hey." Connor and I said at the same time.

"Hey." JC said. "Did you guys just wake up?" he asked us.

"Maybe..." Connor said.

"Nice." JC said laughing.

"Hey, filming videos are tiring!" I said. "How do you guys do it all the time?"

"Tell me about it. Why do you think JC can never get his collaboration channel up on time all the time and doesn't do main channel videos on a regular basis?" Connor joked and laughed.

"Hey, watch it!" JC said, pointing a finger at Connor. Connor smiled being proud of himself.

"Anyway." I said braking there little jokes fest up. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just wondering where you guys went. It has been about two hours." JC said. "I thought you guys left or something.

"No, we filmed a video and then attempted to watch a movie, but we fell asleep together." Connor admitted.

"Of course Connor fell a..." JC stopped. "Wait, did you said that you both filmed a video??" JC asked being surprised.

"Yeah? Why so surprised?" Connor question him back.

"Connor, I thought that you said that Sydney hated the stop light and being on camera?" JC asked looking at us.

"She usually does." Connor explained. "But, I talked her into doing a tag video with me. I had introduced her to my fans some how." Connor said.

"Besides," I interjected. "I have made a video before." I admitted to JC.

"You have?!!" JC questioned.

"Yeah, It was just a stupid, little cover video. That I did when I was like thirteen. My friends form my hometown in New Jersey came to visit me in California and told me to sing a song and play the guitar, and they would record it." I hold JC. "They said that it wasn't going to go anywhere, but they lied and out it on the Internet." I said to him.

"It's actually really good" Connor said smiling at me.

"What?!! That's so cool. What song?" JC asked.

"Uhm, 'Enchanted' by Taylor Swift." I answered.

"What?" JC said grabbing Connor's laptop off his desk. "Is it on YouTube?" JC asked me.

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