June 29th 2016: One Little Quest To A Night Of Romance (Part 3) - Connor's POV

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I watched her pull into the driveway an we got out and shut the door at the same time. As I was walking, I was think about a specific part that in the video that we did. The question about out first date. Our answer that we gave was what bothered me the most.

"We never had an actual first date..."

That's when I decided to plan the perfect surprise first date for her. So, I took out my phone and messaged the Our Second Life group chat:

Me: Hey guys. This is going to sound kind of self centered, but what ever. I was editing the video that Sydney and I did and one of the questions that I had to answer was, something like, "What was your guys first date like?" and the is when I realized that it has been about two to three weeks and we haven't had a first real date. So, I need your guys help. Sydney deservers a perfect, and memorable first date. I need your guys help for with the perfect idea and I need your guys help to make it happen. After we decide on something, I need to get as many people as we can to help make it happen. Andrea Gillian, Rachel, Rebecca, Danielle, everyone. Please help me with his small favor guys. Thanks so much.

I sent the message and waited for a response. I locked my phone quickly when I heard footsteps, know that they were Sydney's. Of course, just as she walks into the living room, my phone lights up with a response. I checked it and it was from Ricky. So, I locked it again before she saw.

"Hey babe." She said. "Come with to tell my mom that we are heading out. So, I got up and followed her.

"Mom?" She yelled.

"In my bedroom!" She yelled.

"hey mom, we are going to head out in like two minutes. Love you!" She said sweetly. "Con, I am going to just grab my stuff and then we can go."

"Okay, Syd." I said.

"I won't be long." She said as she started to walk out of her mother's room.

Then, I turned to Mrs. Kutzin and told about the real first date problem and how we didn't exactly have one.

"Oh, good lord. Haven't you guys been dating for like three weeks now?" She said smiling. She was a sweet lady. Now, I know where Sydney get's it.

"Exactly my point." I said.

"Well, here." Mrs, Kutzin said sitting at her desk. "Know Sydney she is going to be ready to get out of here any minute, so take this." She wrote her name and a number on a piece of paper. "And text med and I'll help you think of something." She folded the paper and handed it to me, and I herd footsteps getting closer and closer so I shoved the paper into my pocket the second Sydney walked into the room.

"Ready, Connor?" My girlfriend said.

"Yep, let's hit it. I think JC, Danielle and Gillian are going to meet us there." She continued.

"Cool." I said. We said good by and that it was nice meeting her and then we headed out. We were going to Santa Monica Pier and hanging out at the pier. As we were walking downstairs my phone went off at least three tines. So, I checked it and it was the O2L group chat:

Ricky: "I'm in."

JC: "I'm always here to help with Romance"

Sam: "Ditto."

Kian: "I'll try and help."

Trevor: "I'll help."

Connor: Okay this is what I was thinking. I was planning on planning a scavenger hunt for her to get the surprise date. Then I will finally tell her what was going on. (This will all be on the ay of the date)...

I sent that message just as the light turned green. We were about five minutes away when I looked over at Sydney

in her out fit that I picked out for her. Just milling and banging on her knee to the beat of the music.

That is the moment that I knew that this was all I needed in life.

At that moment I got three messages at once:

Ricky: "And..."

JC: "Continue"

Kian: "I'm listening"

I turned the corner and arrived at the pier. I pulled up and found a close enough parking stop. I turned off the car and got out. Then I went around to Sydney's side opened up her door. She shut it and I gave her keys to her. I took out my phone and answered the guys:

Me: "The first step could leave to an part an outfit. Then the next one to the rest of the out fit. Then the third to jewelry. Then it keeps going. Then the final note to the date. But, I want them all clues. Nothing telling her where it is. Then we will do the date."

Trevor: "But what's the date going to be?"

Connor: "I don't know... I was thinking like, dinner on the beach, and then dancing and horseback riding or something."

Trevor: "That's cool."

Ricky: "I was going to suggest horseback riding."

Then I got a call from JC:

Me: "Hey"

JC: "Hey, I am here with Danielle and Gillian. Where are you guys?"

Me: "We just got here. Where are you guys?"

JC: "On the boardwalk"

Me: "Okay, we will be there in a second."

Then I got a text from Ricky and Kian:

Ricky: "Yeah, I think that we can make that work"

Kian: "Yep."

Me: "Awesome."

Trevor: "One little problem..."

Me: "What?"

Trevor: "You want to buy her clothes... Do you even know what to get?"

Me: "Damn it.."

Trevor: "Exactly..."

Me: "Wait, I have an idea..."

Kian: "What?"

I ignored Kian's message for now. And I went to text my cousin.

Me: "Gillian, I need your help with something, but YOU CAN NOT TELL SYD!!!"

Gillian: "Sure what's up?"

So, I told Gillian my whole plan through text messages and... At first she was a little shocked that we haven't had a first real date yet, then she got over it and was on bored with everything.

Gillian: "So, where do I come in?"

Me: "I need your help getting a hot, nice outfit for me... That can be for her. Some that could be good for eating, dancing, horseback riding, etc. (In don't know exactly what I am doing with her, yet.)

Gillian: Sure, My cousin on my dad's side, makes clothes and she is really good. I think I can get something in time."

Me: That would be awesome. I think I am going to do it this Friday or Saturday... Could you get it by then?

Gillian, "Yeah, she lives in California, so it will be easy."

Me: "Perfect. Who's the best cousin?"

Gillian: "Me."

Me: I know. Now, I see you, so I'll see you in a second.

I think this is going to work... I hope...

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