July 17th 2016: THEN LEAVE! (part 2) - Revenge

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I got into my car drove... To a place, with the radio blasting my phone's music and Taylor Swift's "Better Then Revenge" came and I blasted the music. I started off by going back to Starbucks fist and got and iced coffee and my friend a little something. I smiled and left the coffee shop. With the same car following me.

I continued my ride with and the same car was behind. I called my little buddy and put him on my hands-free.

Me: "Hey, I am on my way and I got you coffee."

My Friend: "Cool . Thanks. Wait, are we going?"

Me: "Just bring your guitar. I will be there with in next ten minutes. And we have to hurry, because I think I am being followed..."

My Friend: "Okay... Should I wear some kind of a disguise?"

Me: "YAS! Great idea!!"

My Friend: "I was kidding..."

Me: "I know, but that would be perfect."

My Friend: "Fine, do you a banana, a old grandfather, or a giant chicken?"

Me: "The giant chicken."

My Friend: "Cool, I'll change..."

Me: "No, just like a hat and glasses or something."

My Friend: "Duh!"

Me: "Alright, cool. I'll to your place in about five minutes."

My Friend: "Okay, cool."

I hung up the phone and with in the next seven minutes I was at my friend's place. I called him back.

Me: "Hey, I'm here."

My Friend: "Cool. Coming out now."

Me: "Cool."

We hung up and the next thing I knew he was running towards my car. "Hurry, I have to go!" He threw his guitar in the backseat and jumped in the car over the door." I bolted out of his development. I went around his neighborhood and out, so I wouldn't have to back up.

"Wait," He said lowing the radio.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Minnesota?"

"Yeah, well that what everyone, including me thought..."

"What?" He said...

"I'll you in a minute, but first I have to shake these stalkers of me..."

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Are you kidding me? They are really following me?"

'Okay, then we need to do this right..." He said. He took my phone "What's your passcode?"

"0626?" I said. "Why?" I asked.

"If we are going to put something on, then we are going to do this right..." He said.

"What are you..?" I asked switching lanes. A song came on and I started laughing and turned it up. "You so would!!!"

Wait, go into my bag that's in the back and get out my vlogging camera." I told him and he did. Cool no turn it on and hit record."

"It's recording..." He said.

"Hey everyone... So, I am back in LA and I on my way to the Santa Monica pier with this little butthole..." I said as he turned the camera on him.

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