July 5th 2016: Laid Back With Friends

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July 5th, 2014: Laid Back With Friends

And ends another night of epicness....

I woke up not knowing where I was. I planned on staying at Riley's apartment, but I woke not in a hotel room. I looked around and searched for my phone, then I looked up and saw that it was on the nightstand... On the other side of the bed. I didn't feel like getting up, so I put my head down on the pillow of the mystery bed and tried to go back to sleep. The room was shut with the shades closed, so I couldn't recognize the room I was in. And the person besides me what barried head high in a fluffy comforter, so I couldn't tell who it was. Long story short, I think I feel asleep in the car when I was taken home, or back to wherever I was, at about 4:30 in the morning. And I was in a mystery place. So, I gave up and went back to sleep.

I thought that it was about three and half, to about four hours later when I woke up. I looked up the bed where the other person was, was empty. Also, the shades were opened and sunlight was coming in, so I could see where I was.

Apparently, I was right. I wasn't in Riley and Blake's hotel room... I was in Connor's room. I wondered how in God's good name I got here, but I gave up on it for now. I was still waking up, and I just happen to look at the door of the room, and it was completely shut. Not even cracked. So, I decided to get my lazy butt up and check my phone. It turned out to be about 12:25. I freaked out. I usually sleep late, but not this late. I got up and made the bed, but as I got up I questioned why I was wearing Connor's high school swimming sweatpants and an old tank top, but I just said whatever.

I made the bed and walked over to the mirror. As I was fixing the hell of a mess called Sydney, the door started to open. I looked behind me.

"Hey, sleepy." Someone said. That 'someone' turned out to be Connor.

"Hey." I smiled and yawned. "What's up?" He walked over to me, put his arms around my waist and out his head on my shoulder.

"Not much," He said. "How are you?" He asked.

"Tired!!" I stressed. I looked him straight in the eyes. "I need coffee." He smiled.

"Agreed." He replied. He put sweatpants on himself, and grabbed his keys. "Come on." He said to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To get coffee." He said. "My treat."

"Babe, I'm in sweatpants and I look like a freaking mess." I told him turning back to his mirror.

"Your talking to the guy who just rolled out of bed like five minutes before you and did nothing." I smiled and we left.

Walked downstairs and found Rebecca sleeping on the couch. Connor gave me the 'shh' symbol and I walked over to her and put a blanket on her. Connor smiled and gave me the 'let's get out of here' gesture. I smiled and grabbed my wallet and my phone from the coffee table. I shut the door, quietly behind me, and we were home free.

We got in the car and I had like forty text messages that I didn't notice, before. About twenty of them was from a group chat from extremely late last night between me, Connor, Ricky, Trevor, and Rebecca:

Ricky: "Okay, I think tonight was a total success!"

Connor: "Agreed."

Me: "Yeah, It was a BLAST!!!"

Trevor: "Yas! I think Sydney totally sleighed the stage!!!"

Rebecca: "One hundred percent true! Amazing job, Syd!"

Me: "Awe, thanks guys!"

Ricky: "I think Trevor and Rebecca didn't too bad either."

Trevor: "Thanks, bro!"

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