July 11th 2016: Cheering up Performance and... Secrets?

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Trevor and I were in my car. My phone was plugged into the radio and we were rocking out to his song, Echo.

"And I... Wanna hear your Echo!!" He raised the volume. My top and windows were down and we were having a blast. I started the song over and lowered the volume. "Alright, we have to nail it this time." I told him.

About three and half minutes and banging car performance later. We nailed it! "Damn girl!" Trevor said. "Your are good!" I laughed.

"I'm really not." I said. Trevor rolled his eyes.

"I'm not." I emphasized while pulling in my driveway, at the same time as my mom.

"Hey mama." I said. She opens the trunk of the car takes out some groceries. Trevor and I go and grab some and shut the car door. "Thanks." I told him.

"No worries." He said, following me. We put a bags in my kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked him. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks." He told me.

I started walking out of the kitchen. I looked back and Trevor wasn't behind me. I went back to the kitchen. "Ya coming?" I asked him.

"Didn't know I could." Trevor said. I rolled my eyes and smiled. We left the kitchen and went up to my room. "Well, this is my room." I told him.

"Nice..." He said. "You play?" He asked me walking over to my guitar in the corner of my room.

"Yeah, since I was about 9... I think." I said. He grabbed it and handed it to me. "Play something."

I took it from me. "What do you want me to play?" I asked.

"Play and acoustic version of Echo." He said.

"Alright." I started playing it and singing it. I did about a minute and a half of it.

"Damn, Franta is a luck boy." Trevor said.

"What do you mean?" I asked getting up and putting the guitar back where it belongs.

"I mean, his girlfriend is smart, funny, nd talented. And not to mention, you're pretty too." He told me smiling.

"Aw, Trev." I told him. "That's so sweet." I smiled. "Wait, do you play?" He said. He got up and too the guitar. "A little bit." He started playing a bit of the acoustic version of Ricky Dillon's Ordinary. "I'm not that good. I also play a little bit of piano." He told me.

"That's cool." I told him. Then I started humming the lyrics to the song. He went back to the beginning and I started singing. "Cillin on the West Side, playing my song. Got the kia soul with my cheep shades on. I'm going to run threw the night." He kept playing. "Jump off the gate, fall to the ground. It don't matter, still hitting this town tonight. Oh, it never felt so right." I sang. "Tonigh we are running around the Boulevard. I couldn't know, I couldn't ask for more."

We kept playing and we got to the last chorus. " So sick and tired of staying up to see the break of dawn. Everybody taking shots, til' they're passed out on the lawn. Brokenhearts and Styrofoam and empty double cups." I gave Trevor the cut off signal. "I guess I'm ordinary... I'm ordinary..."

Oh my god... I guess a duet between the two of us could work.

"That was awesome!" I high fived him. He smiled.

"Should we do it again and send it to Ricky?" Trevor asked. I gave him an "I-not-positive" look. "Come on, just a virus and a chorus.

"Alright, why not? But, lets go outside." I grabbed my phone, went out side, and we recorded it.

The Night We MeetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora