June 26th 2016: Summertime Romance is Only Beginning<3

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With finals being done last week, out lockers cleaned out, and out yearbooks at our homes, out parents were perfectly fine with us ditching the last day of school because we were doing nothing. So, basically...


Anyways, when I woke up it was pretty early, like 7:30 and everyone was still asleep, so I decided to go for a run to past the time. So, I ran for about 40 minutes, got back to Gill's and Rachel heard me come back in.

"Hey," she said. "couldn't sleep?"

"Nope, to much excitement!!"

"Why?" She questioned.

"One word... CONNOR!!!" I said happily.

"Ahh, I see." She said giggling

After that, Danielle and Gillian were still asleep, because we didn't actually fall asleep until about four in the morning, so it felt like we got like five minutes of sleep, Rachel and I decided to get cleaned up and shower. I showered and when I got out of the bathroom so Rachel could shower, I saw Gillian and Danielle finally up.

"Hey, sleepy heads!!" I said, joking.

"Hey." They said at the same time, tiredly.

They got up, cleaned and showed up for the day. When Gillian walked back in the room I got a message from Connor saying:

Connor: "Morning, my love!"

Me: "Well, don't you know how to make a girl's morning!"

Connor: "I try"

Me: "Forever"

Connor: "Forever"

Me: "So, what's going on today?"

And as I was waiting for answer, I continued to flat iron my hair. Gillian was next to me doing her hair and talking to me about Connor.

"So, you like my cousin?" Gill asked me.

"How could you not tell me the HOTTEST guy on the internet was your cousin?!!" I interrogated.

"I don't like to brag!!" She joked.

The four of us finished our hair, make up, and cleaning up Gillian's bedroom. Then we dicided to go for a drive, at about 9:30 and figure out what the hell to do with our first day of summer. Beach? Mall?...


I was in a tight skirt, a tank top, and flip flops. Gillian was in colored pink jeans, a white crop top, and flip flops. Rachel was in a jean's skirt, a light, long-sleeve t-shirt, and sandles. And Danielle was in ripped jeans, a tight purple crop top, and flip flops.

We drove around L.A for about 3 hours talking and discussing what to do to make the first day of summer epic. Then, Gillian looked at the clock, turned down the radio and said:

"Okay, guys, where are we going and What are we doing?"

That's when I got a text from Connor:

Connor: "Hey, what's up? I am having a bunch of people over for an early barbeque tonight before Trevor and Ricky's show tonight at Disney Land (starting at seven). I wanted to know if you wanted to come by and maybe go to the show tonight? You in? Gillian and them are invited too."

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