July 23 2016: Our Second First Date

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I woke up on a couch that I didn't recognize with a blanket over me, not knowing where I was; thinking that I drove home late, late last night. I looked at my dying phone. It's 9:34 a.m. I sat up and tried to get my vision straight. I had about 40 text messages and like twenty twitter mentions... And a missed call from a blocked number.


I heard someone open a door upstairs. I rubbed my eye and realized that I was still at the O2L house.

"Oh my god." I said to myself. It's like I blacked out after about 4:30 a.m. and I don't know why. I realized where I was and that when Wishbone jumped up on the couch next to me. "Holy crap!" I said to the dog next me. "You scarred me animal." I said to him I pet him and just relaxed for a minute. After a couple minutes of catching up on my social media sites I got up to use the bathroom. I went upstairs walked into the bathroom. I washed my hands and looked up at the mirror. "Oh shit.. How did he take me back?" I said looking at my message of hair that is on my head. I attempted to fix it and finally I gave up and told my self that my hair is good enough. I opened the door and literally bumped into to Kian. "Oh, hi." I said looking at him.

"Morning. I think I heard Connor up." He told me. I walked out of the bathroom started walking threw the hallway passing Connor's room. I saw him up but I just left him alone until he felt like coming out. So, I wound up playing with Wishbone.

I looked at the clock. 9:59. I got up and downstairs to the kitchen. I took a glass and some water. I sat at the counter and drank. I looked up from my 40-percent phone and listened to the footsteps coming down. They sound like they were coming closer and I looked at the entrance to the kitchen to see Kian appeared. "Sleep well? He laughed.

"I must have. I woke up not knowing where the hell I was." I chimed in with a chuckle. "I feel like I blacked out after like 4:30."

"Same here. But we didn't go to sleep until like seven." Kian said.

"We literally stayed up all night." I said not knowing if I was disappointed or not.

"But for good reasons." Kian continued.

"True." I smiled.

'Anyway, Connor should be down soon." Kian continued. I nodded and drank more water.

"What time did the everyone else leave?" I asked.

"I have no damn idea." Kian said sitting next to me.

"True." And then Kian and I both got a group text asking f we wanted to go IHOP for breakfast.

"Did you get the same message?" I asked him.

"Yep." He said sending a message. My phone went off:

Kian: 'I'm in!"

I typed:

Me: "Sure."

I smiled and heard foot coming down the stairs. They came into the kitchen and it turned out to be Connor locking his phone:

Connor: "YES!"

I looked up at him.

"I guess you want pancakes?" I laughed.

"I could really go for blueberry ones." He smiled.

His smile couldn't be more beautiful... And not to mention that he was shirtless...

"I think that you might need a shirt first..." I said. "Let's go." I smiled. I took his hand and brought him up to his room.

"Let's see here." I said opening his closet. I said thumbing threw his clothes. "Put... This on." I smiled him a shirt that I really like. I continued looking threw this closet and found a buttoned down.

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