July 22 2016: Looking For Something? - #Sonnor is back!!

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About ten minutes later the sun was gone and we found ourselves underneath our tree. His arms around my shoulders and a smile on my face. We were drifting off... When my phone broke us from our beloved silence. "It's Gillian." I said. Answered the phone and immediately put it on speakerphone-

Me: Hello?

Gillian: "Hey... So, is Sonnor back together?"

Me: "I don't think so... He never showed up, and he didn't even have an explanation or anything..."

I looked at Connor and gave the "Shhhh!" sign.

Gillian: "Oh my god, honey... I am so sorry... I am leaving right now for the tissues and the mint chip ice cream. I will be at your place in ten minutes tops.

Me: "Thanks girl... But wanna bring some extra?"

Gillian: "Yeah, are the girls coming by?"

Connor: "No, because I want some too!!


Me: "Of course, I didn't put him to work for nothing."

Connor looked at his phone and then at me. "It's only eight o'clock." He told me.

Connor: "Gillian, come by my place."

Gillian: "I'm with Sam."

Connor: "Hey Pottorff. He can come."

Me: "I am pretty sure the guys are going to be there anyway."

Gillian: "Wanna go to the O2L house."

Sam: "Sure. Why not?"

Gillian: "We're in."

Connor: "Cool."

Me: "See you there."

Gillian: "Wait, don't you need a ride there?"

Connor turned to me. "You didn't drive there?"

"No, she dropped me off. Can I get a ride back with you?"

"Of course."

Me: "Connor's got me."

Gillian: "Alright, see ya there!"

Me and Connor: "Bye!"

I hung up my phone and shoved it in my bag. "Are you happy?" I asked in all seriousness.

"Of course. And you neck doesn't look so bare anymore." He joked.

"I know, right?" I laughed.

"Your Instagram pictures looked so different without it..." He said. I laughed.

"Thank you again, baby. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled. He kissed me on the cheek and we headed up to his car. We got in and he smiled. "It's good to be back." I said as he turned on the radio and put the windows down.

We got on the road with his amazing taste of music blasting. And about 40 minutes and a stop at Starbucks later, we were about five minutes away from the O2L house and Connor turn the stereo down. "What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. "What?" I asked.

"I just thought of something..." Connor said with a suspicious smirk on his face.

"Uh-oh..." I said, scarred to see what he was going to say.

"What if we play a little trick on our friends?" He asked.

"What kind of trick?" I asked back at him.

"Let's just say... One that might get some people very pissed off." He answers. He smiled at me and explained what's on his mind.

I nodded. I uh-huhed and yeahed. "I think that might work..." I answered when he was done. We pulled into the driveway and I said. "Let's do it." Connor nodded, turned the car off, and headed inside.

After that I got a nervous...


Bye my besties...

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