June 28th 2016: A Rainy Day in L.A...

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I woke up in the Patterson's guess bedroom room and it was about 8:30 to a text message form my mom:

Mom: "Hi honey. I hope you are having fun with Gillian and them! I am still in you in Vegas for the week, but I did go on facebook and did see what happened to Jennifer Patterson. I am so, so sorry for her and Gillian. I know that she is in the hospital and that she had surgery, and that did get hit by a huge truck, but so far that's all I know. Please, when you get this message, either call me or me me back and tell me the details of Jen's accident. Is she alright? How is her cousin taking it? I know that family is devastated, obviously. I am sending flowers to the Patterson's house. But with happening and with me still in Nevada, I know you girls are at Gill's hours by yourself, and that's fine, but make good choices and don't do anything that I wouldn't do. Please, keep in touch. I love you!"

After I read that, I decided to text her back:

Me: "Hi mom. I hope you are having fun in Vegas. About Mrs. Patterson, a truck did hit her and she is alive, but she is still going to be in the hospital for at least two or three more days. She did have major surgery on her left arm and both legs, which took about three hours. The surgery went well, as far as I know and that is as much as I know so far, I will keep you updated though. As for Gillian, her cousin, and the rest of her family, they are all taking it pretty hard. Especially, Gillian and her cousin, Connor. Anyway, I am going to run now. Have fun in Vegas. Love you too. PS- The Patterson's address is 452 Wall Street."

I sent the message, made my bed, got changed into running clothes, and went for a run. I had to shut the door, because it started to rain. So, I ran from Gillian's house up Hollywood Boulevard, up Vine, and back home. Not too far.

When I got back, I went upstairs to see what Gillian was up too and I saw that she was still fast a sleep. So, I went in too my bedroom. I grabbed my clothes, a pair of dark washed, ripped jeans, a white tank top, and white flip flops, my cell phone charger, and went to go and take a shower.

When I got out I got dressed, did my make up, and cleaned up the bathroom a bit. Then l blew my hair dry. I was walking to the guest room and I saw Gillian walking out of her room.

"Morning, sleeping angle!" I laughed. She gave me a joking pissed off look.

"Hey." She finally said.

"How are ya?" I asked her as I put my hair up.

"Hungry!" She mumbled.

"Go get ready and we can go get some food. My treat." I said going to get my flat iron from the other room.

"Yay!" She said walking to get ready to take a shower in the other bathroom. So, I did my hair and as I waited for the iron to heat up, I brushed my teeth. I started my hair and about twenty minutes later I was, finally, half way done and I got a text from my boyfriend:

Connor: "Hey baby!"

Me: "Hey, my lova!!"

Connor: "Whatcha up to?"

Me: "Not much, just doing my hair. You?"

Connor: "Hot. Making pancakes in about fifteen minutes with the guys. Come over!"

Me: "Sure. Can Gill come? I think she is still upset about her mom."

Connor: "Sure. Come on over."

Me: "Alright then!"

Connor: "You better!!"

Me: "Duh!!"

Connor: "Forever<3"

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