June 11th 2016: Kiandrea's No More.

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I woke up at about 8 a.m and went the gym with Connor, then got showered and got coffee.

What else is new?

About three hours later and we got back to Connor's and we saw Danielle's car in of the house.

We got of the car. I was in a pink dress sandals and a necklace. My hair is loosely curled and my make up is all girly. We went into the house.

When we got in Trevor, JC, and Danielle were in the living room. We came in and said hello. Then Connor tapped me on the shoulder. "Babe?" I turned around. "I'm going to shower." Connor said still in gym clothes. "Kay. Should I go home?" I asked not to be rude.

"No, unless you want to. I'll be quick and you know everyone. Stay and talk." He told me. I smiled. He kissed me and JC and Danni saw "Awww!!!" Then He went upstairs. I turned bck to the group. "Aw, how cute!" Danni said from right next to me. I rolled my eyes. "Shut up!" I told her. She laughed as I hit playfully.

"So," Trevor said from the other side of me. I turned to him. "remember how we were talking the other night about doing a duet?" He asked me.

"Oh yeah, I was actually fooling around with some ideas... I don't expect it to actually be publish or anything, but..."

"Oh, you don't?" Trevor said seeming kind of disappointed.

"Yeah, I mean, come on you're like a profestional and I am just adverage. There is no way I would ever be able to do anything serious. I'm nowhere ned good enough. Wait, what's wrong?" I said when I should have shut up.

"Well, I guess I did all that work for nothing..." Trevor said.

"Well, I thought that you had potentiall, so I talked to my manager." He said.

"What?" I said being confused.

"Yeah, and my recording person." He continued. "And I showed them a video that I took of you on the fourth of July at the concert, without you knowing." He said.

"What? Was song?" I said.

"Uhm... The Hilary Duff one." He told me. "I thought you preformed that one awesome. Not that you didn't the other ones. There was just something about that one." He told me. I smiled and blushed a little bit.

"Oh, 'I am'." I told him. "Thanks, but I am kind of afraid to hear what they said..." I was saying to him.

"I'm afrai to tell you..." He started.

"Uh-oh..." I said to him.

"I am afraid to tell you that you are wrong and you should start believing in yourself, because they both that you had a ton of protential and that a duet between us would be a a brilliant idea. It is going on my upcoming EP." My draw dropped as I was staring out the window over Trevor's shoulder. "Oh-on..." I whispered.

"What? That a..." Trevor said.

"No, not that. Look!" I pointed out the window to Kian and Andrea outside by Andrea's car, and let's put it this way—It was not pretty. "What? Trevor asked turning. Then all of us got coloser to the window and all we saw was Kian and Andrea screaming at each other with no sound that we could hear. I don't know what they are fighting about but I could tell that it's not good.

That's when Connor walked downstairs. "What's going on?" Connor asked, joining us at the window. "Uh-oh." He whispered.

About five minutes later, we saw Andrea storm off to the driver's side of her car and leave when Kian was half way up the drive. We all quickly turned around and acted like we didn't see anything. I turned back to Trevor. "Anyway, they said the same thing I did—You aren't just average like you said. They said you got something special and that a duet between the two off us would be awesome." Trevor told me and my moth completely dropped.

"Like professionally?" I asked him completely und utterly shocked.

"Yep, and it is going to go on my up coming EP." He said.

"You're kidding?!" I said.

"Nope, they would love to meet you." Trevor said.

"Yes... Yes.... A million times yes!!" I said hugging him. "This is..." And then I heard the front door open.

Oh god... I thought the drama was suppose to END after High School.

He came in with just a slam of the door. No words. And just went straight upstairs. He walked upstairs and about a minute later we heard his bedroom door slam.

I waited a minute. "I'll go and talk to him." I told the group, giving Trevor an "I'm-sorry" look. He waved me and I went upstairs.

Believe it or not, over about the five weeks that Connor and I have known, and dated, each other, Kian and became the closest... Even though I am close with all of the guys.

I walk up to Kian's door and took a deep breath. I knocked. "What?" He yelled from behind the door. "It's me, Ki. Can I come in?"

He opened the door. "Yeah." He said then walked back over to his bed. "What?" He snapped. I took a deep breath and walked in, shutting the door behind me.

I walked over and sat next to him. "What happened, buddy?"

"I don't know." He said in force. "One minute everything was going good. Then I got a message from my friend, Lia. So, I left my phone at the table for a minute, and she saw it and got like extremely jealous... Out of the nowhere. I never knew she was the jealous type. Then she freaked out. Then the next thing I knew we were in front of the house screaming at each other." Kian told me.

"What?" I asked him.

"I know, I don't know what happened." He pleaded. I walked over and sat next to him. He was just sitting there; tears pouring down his face; face in his hands.

"I know. I know how you feel."

"No, you don't." He said. "You're all happy with your perfect boyfriend and perfect relationship and perfect life." He continued.

"Hey!" I said. "I before Connor came along, I was in the worst stage of my life... I caught my ex cheating on me... With my ex best friend."

Yeah, remember Megan... She used to be my best friend. For like a the first two weeks that I lived in LA.

"I went our with him six months and then he dumped because he made up some bullshit excuse that he heard some damn rumor about me what wasn't true, in the slightest." I continued.

"Really? So, why would she just drop me, like that? Over something stupid as jealousy? She has never been jealous before."

"I don't some girls are just like that for whatever reason." I told him. I moved closer to him and stared rubbing his back. He started to cry again. "I know that it's hard and I know some people can do bad things, but there are some awesome people out there that will treat you right. I hate to use this example..." I told him. "But, Connor is taking me to freaking Minnesota just to meet his family. If that's not love, then I don't know what is." I told him.

He took a deep breath and let himself breathe. "How is this suppose to help me?" He asked.

"My point is..." I said smiling at him. He looked at me. "With every jerk that you get rid of, you are one step closer to find the one that is right for you." He smiled.

And then IT happened.

He sat up straight. "And maybe I am closer then I think." He said.

"Exactly." I said.

We kept coming closer to me. And...



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