June 26th 2016 - Summer Romance is Only Beginning<3 (part 2)

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Yeah, that happed. Am I dreaming? Because if I am, then I don't want to wake up.

We went back and found our friends and saw that Ricky and Trevor have came out from backstage.

"Hey, you guys are alive" Connor joked.

"We have been out here for about an hour" Ricky laughed.

Yeah, so apparently we were away from them for longer then we thought.

"Once again, you guys were freaking amazing tonight!!! Thanks so much for letting me, Gillian, and the girls come tonight. It was like a dream."

"No worries," Ricky said "glad you could come out tonight!"

"I wouldn't have missed it!" I smiled.

Just as I got that sentence out, I was snatched out by someone. Turns out it was Danielle.

"THERE YOU ARE!!!" She said.

"Here I am!" I said

"Where did you go, we were getting worried!" Gillian said.

"Where did you go?" Rachel interrupted.

"I was with Connor." I said innocently.

"Yeah.. And?" Gill said

"Well... He asked me out!!"

"OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!!" They scream in unisen.

"Wait... You said yes, right? Please tell me that you said yes... I mean you must have HAD to say yes... Come on, WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!" Rachel said, pretty excitedly...

"Acually, no... I didn't say yes..." I teased.

"WHAT??? WHY??" They all said, shock out of no where.


"OH MY FREAKING HELL!!!!!" Gillian said.

"Sydney Franta! That has a nice ring to it!!" Danni said.

"Congrats, Syds!!" Rachel said.

"Awww thanks girls!!! Could this night get ANY better???!!!" I asked jokingly, knowing that it couldn't

Meanwhile, about 10 feet away...

"Wait, question, Connor, did you ask her yet??" Ricky said anxiously.

"Yeah, I did"

"And?" JC said.

"She said..." Connor said.

"She said what??" Trevor interrogated.

"She said yes!" Connor said ecstatically.

"Oh my god! Congrats!" Sam said

"Thanks guys!!" Connor said, blushing.

Then JC turned to Connor:

"I know this might sound kind of weird to you because it is now your girlfriend's best friend, but damn Danielle is looking kind of hot" JC said unsure.

"Then go get her, bud!" Connor encouraged.

"You think she would be into me like that?" He asked nervously.

"I didn't think Sydney was into me like that and look at us now." Connor said.

Back to us...

Danielle pulled me aside away from the other girls to talk to me.

"I know that you are now dating Connor and that JC is one of his best friends and everything, but... I kind of like him. Is that weird?"

"No, if you want him, go for him!" I egged her on about getting the man that she had a crush on for as long as I could remember.

"Do you think he would like me like that?"

"Hey I never thought in a million years that Connor Franta would like me like that... And now look. With love, anything is game and anything could happen" I said sweetly.

That's when I checked my phone and saw that I got a missed call and a vice mail from my mom.

I don't know what that could be about. As long as I kept in touch with her she usually lets me do what ever I wanted.

That's when I braced myself for being it deep bullcrap. My mom's voice mail said:

"He Syd. I was on Facebook and I saw everything was fine and that you are having fun. I would love to meet the boy that you were hanging around with. Anyway, I called Jennifer Wellter, Gillian's mom. She said that you were at the park with some friends, and that's fine. I told her that me and my two best friends are going on a last minute, out-of-nowhere trip tip to Vegas for the week. She said that would be fine if you stayed in their guess room. I only agreed to do this because it is now summer. I have someone looking and staying at the house for the dogs. I have to go though. I love you, have fun this week and I will keep in touch. Make good choices this week. Love you!"

So, I went back to the girls and told them. They were pumped. Especially Gill.


We got back together with the guys and left the park around 12:30 because it was closing. We deiced to go night swimming at the guys house and hang out there for a while. And Gillian's mom was cool with whatever and didn't care when we came home.

When we got to the O2L house, we changed and hung out. I wore my blue and purple swimsuit and a blue dress that I brought for a cover up. When I came out of the bathroom I turned the corner and connor was there, and he caught me by surprise.

"Boo!" he said when he scarred me.

"Ahh! You scarred me!" I said.

"There's my girlfriend" he said jokingly. Then he picked me up and spun me around.

"Haha! Here I am!" I said laughing as he put me down, following by a soft kiss.

The only people at the O2L house was me, the girls, the O2L boys, and Sam and Kian's girlfriends.

Connor and I walked into the backyard holding hands and they started clapping.

"There is the happy couple!!" Kian yealled.


Eventually, all the girls left the O2L house by about 5:00 in the morning, Sam and Trevor spent the night there (even though, the night was pretty much over.) I kissed Connor goodbye and we left, know that we would probably see them in like a few hours the next day.

Then on our way back to Gill's I got a text from my boyfriend:

Connor: "Forever<3

Connor: Thanks for and unforgettable day... And for saying yes."

Me: "Forever<33"

Me: "Of course, I was with you.. Wasn't I?"



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