July 22 2016: Looking For Something?- The Hunt Begins. [Connor's POV] (part 5)

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I picked up my camera. I opened the closet door and I started franticly looking for the note that with probably have a V on it in the shinny writing that she does so well.

Where the hell are you?

After about five minutes of looking threw my closet for the next letter, and it not being where I thought it was going to be, I thought that that maybe faith has spoken, and it just ends here.

I knew that it was too good to be true...

I was about to close my closet and give when I noticed something taped to the inside of the door. I looked to my right and smiled. "Exactly what I thought..." I whispered to myself.

How does she do it?

I carefully peeled the note off the door the door. I stared at the note that I placed in my hands. The shimmering yellow V on the front stared at me. I taped the note on the door and set my camera up and peeled it off like it was the first I saw it just like the other ones. I opened it and read it aloud to the camera.

You found me here, but

It doesn't stop here!

There are few more take.

But there are things that the world makes,

And for one thing, it's not my cakes.

I smiled every time we went here.

Nothing but shopping, coffee and smiles there.

Whether it was with our friends,

Or is just depends

If it was just you, me, and you.

I wish that it didn't have to end...

I smiled at the note and then looked up at the camera and said to it "Maybe it doesn't have too..." I winked at the camera and put my hand over it and turned it off. I grabbed my camera, my wallet, and my keys and went downstairs to find my coffee on the counter. I put it in the fridge for later and grabbed a granola bar and another water and left.

Into my car and I an pulled out of the driveway, smiling

Maybe it doesn't to end...

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