July 16th 2016: Frantasic Franta Family<3 (part 2)

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We eventually got off the plan and went to the baggage claim. "I think we are at number seven." I said. I had my purse on my arm, my laptop case in my hands, and Connor's backpack on my back.

Don't ask why...

We got to the baggage and played the waiting game. We waiting by the claim with my tired head on Connor's should. And the next thing I knew we had company.

"Uhm... Excuse me." I sweet little voice said.

We looked down at her. "Hey sweetie." I said. "Hey." Connor said.

"Uhm, you're Connor Franta, right?"

"That's me!"

"Oh... My... Could I get a picture with you?" He smiled and I gladly took a picture of them.

"One... Two... Three." I snapped the picture. "And there you go..." I said

"Can I also get one with you? I know that you were just starting but I love your videos and your vlogs." She said. I felt flattered.

Wow... I guess people really do like my stuff...

Connor winked at me and I gave the girls phone. I smiled with the girl. "And could you guys sign this... Please, I'm sorry."

"No worries." I said. I signed my name and wrote "Rock on!" And handed it to Connor who signed his name and wrote "love" with a heart next to it. I smiled at him and the girl thanked us with hugs.

She looked at us and asked a personal question. "Are you guys really dating?" She asked.

"Yep, we are." Connor answered.

"How did you guys meet?" She asks. "Like, for he first time?"

"Oh, well, one of Sydney's best friends is my cousin, so we meat at a party that she threw." Connor answered.

"That's cool." She stared at us and hugged Connor again, thank you for everything... You help me in more ways then you could understand." She said, gripping me tight. I put a hand over my heart, smiled and started tearing up. "Thank you..." She said, again.

She let go and started to leave. She looked, and ran, back to Connor and hugged him one more time, and then she ran away. I turned to Connor and looked at him with the tears in my eyes. "That is so sweet." I told him. He kissed my cheek and we got our bags. I thanked him for getting my bag as I got my guitar.

We went outside and waited for a taxi cab to take us to our five-hour hotel room. We eventually got one with really cool driver named Rob. We got in and he took us to the hotel. And we talk to Rob as he helped us with our bag. And some how Connor got by me with paying for the cab. Rob gave me his car and told us to call anytime we need a ride.

"Thanks so much." I told him. He nodded and left. We walked into the hotel lobby and I took me vlogging camera out. "Hey guys, we just got to the that we are going to be staying at for about, like, five house and I think we are going to check in. Lets go!" I said. I stood back with my camera while Connor checked in and I filmed him. "There he goes." I told them. He came back about five minutes later. "Room 743." He said to the camera holding up a peace sign. I got in and did the same, smiling. We walked to the elevator with our things. "Alright, see you guys up there!" I said putting my hand over it and shutting it off.

We got up there and I turned my camera back on "Here we are, room 743." I said zooming in on the number outside our room. "And we are going in." I said walking in. I put my stuff down and out to the balcony. "And here is beautiful Minnesota..." I said turning the camera over the balcony. "Can it be anymore beautiful? Alright guys, I think we might be getting ready for tonight, so I have to make myself look presentable, so I will check back with ya later. Love ya." I put my hand over the camera and turned it off. I walked back inside and found Connor sitting on the bed. He asked for help up and I pulled him up. We got close together after the pull he had his hands on my waist. "Thank you... For everything" I said. I got lost in his bright green eyes, with yellow suns, just stared into him eyes. He leaned into me and kissed me softly... We broke apart with a smile on my face. "Forever?" I asked.

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