July 17th 2016: THEN LEAVE (part 8) - Here I Go... [Connor's Pont Of View]

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"Hey cuz." I said getting into Gillian's car. "Thank you for coming to get me." I said shutting the door.

"No problem." She said. "But... Uh, why are you home like 5 days early?" She asked.

"You didn't hear?" I asked.

"No... Me and my family went to San Diego for four days, about two days before you left." Gillian said. "I haven't spoken to anybody." She conditioned.

"Sydney and I got into a really big fight and it's all my fault." I said with tears in my eyes. "We broke up." I said with a tear rolling down my eye.

"What happened? You two were perfect together!" Gillian reminded me.

"Don't remind me." He said. "I got pissed off about the comments on my recent videos and I just kind of blew up. I told her to leave and she did..." I continued. "But, I just meet my room, not my life..."

I know people make mistakes, but this was more then a mistakes.

We got back to the O2L house and I invited my cousin in. "And now, she won't answer any of my calls or my text messages." I told Gillian.

"I love you, cousin, but can you balm her?" She asked.

"No... I just need to find a way to apologize to her.. But I can't think of a away that's good enough." I said.

"I think I have an idea..." Gillian said.

"What?" I said.

"But you have to everything that I say." She said.

   "Trust me I will."

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