June 27th 2016: A Perfect Day... To One From Hell...

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I woke up the next morning, on Saturday, later then normal, I woke up at 9:01 a.m. and I woke up thinking that everything that happened last night was a all a dream. I woke thinking that Connor Franta, from Our Second Life, didn't ask me to be his girlfriend, that I didn't meet Katy Perry, that we didn't go watch Ricky Dillon and Trevor Moran perform at Disney Land, and I didn't even think that we went to the O2L house to go night swimming. I woke up the next morning thinking that none of that happened. So, I decided to go to Instagram to confirm...


So, I saw that Gillian was waking up and I asked her.

"Hey girl, are you awake?" I asked her quietly because I was still kind of waking up, myself.

"Yeah, I'm up" she said.

"Cool. Could I ask you something?" I questioned.

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" She wondered.

"Did everything that happened last night... Really happen?" I asked with a puzzled voice.

"Of course everything really happened. What are you talking about?" Gillian wondered.

"Are you sure? Because, woke up this morning thinking that everything was just a dream..."

"Then she turned and looked at me... "Yes, everything happened. Connor did ask you out, we did go to Disney, you did meet Katy Perry, etcetera. Everything. Did. Happen." Gillian said, convincing me that everything was true. So, I decided to believe her, and that's when I decided to go for a run and Gillian came with me.

After we got back it was about 10:30, meaning we ran for about 45 minutes. We were walking into the house and we found Gillian's mom in the kitchen.

"Hey mom!" Gill said.

"Hey girls. How are you?" She wondered. "How was Disney? And how is Connor? I haven't seen him in a while?"

"He's good. He now has a girlfriend." Gillian admitting, and seeing me giver her the stop-talking-now look.

"Who?!!" Mrs. Patterson questioned,, excitedly.

"Take a guess..." Gillian said "hiding" a motion towards me.

"No, awww!!! Our little Sydney's growing! Connor is a great kid, and I think he will be good for you! She said getting up to give me a hug.

"Awe, thank you, Mrs. P." I said hugging her back.

After we went up stairs to shower and clean up for that day. As we were going upstairs, I turn to Gillian and questioned her: "Why would you bring that up to her?"

"She is happy for you, just because Connor is her nephew doesn't mean it going to be awkward for her anything, even if you are one of my best friends.

After we got out of the shower I got a bunch of text messages from Connor and group chat message from Rachel, Danielle, and Gillian. I read and answered Connor's first.

Connor: Hey girlfriend. How are you? <3

Me: Hey boyfriend. I am doing better now that I am hearing from you ; ) PS – Gillian's mom now knows about us.

Connor: Awe, back at cha, honey. PS: was she mad?

Me: Forever<3 PS: She didn't seem mad or weird about it.

Connor: FOREVER<3 PS: Good. Loll

Me: So, what's up?

While, I waited for him to answer, I read the group chat messages.

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