July 24th 2016: Nothing But Studio (part 3)-Work's done. Now To Be Pissed Off!

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I sent the final email to Libby and shut the laptop. "And we are done!!" I said.


"Thank god!"


"And I just want to say, thank you, thank you guys so much for everything. I love you guy. You are the best friends, an boyfriend, that a girl can have!" I said hugging me.

"No problem, honey" Riley said.

"Our pleasure" Blake added.

"I am so proud of you, baby!" Connor said.

I looked at my phone. 7:30. "Come on guys, dinner's on me!"

"Awesome, I'm starved." Blake said. We laughed. We walked off the Santa Monica Pier, where we took some of our final pictures, headed towards the restaurants.

We wound up going to a cool, western-type karaoke burger place. "Now, this place is cool." Riley exclaimed.

"Four please?" I said to the hostess. She sat us at table right next to the stage where the karaoke was held and order or drinks. We listened to two really good girls sing an amazing cover of 'Everything Has Changed' by Taylor Swift and Ed Duran.

We clapped. "Hey, Syd?" Riley from next to me.

"What's up?" I said.

"You should go and sing something." Riley said.

"No, no..." I said.

"Yeah, sing something of the album that you coming out with." Blake said.

"No, no..." I said to them.

"Come on... You are a professional now..." Connor said. "Come on, babe."

"I don't even know..." I started. "I think I might have an idea..." I said. "Alright, I'll do one song." I said getting up. I put the napkin on the table and we walked over to the host of the karaoke. "Hey, can I do a song next?" I asked.

"Sure, what song do you want?" He asked.

"Uhm," I said looking threw the book. "T819" I said.

"Thank you." I said running over to the table. I went into my bag and took out my vlogging camera. I turned to Riley "Come on you are going this with me." I said puling her up. I turned to Connor. "You are going to want to shoot this." I said taking his hand and slamming the camera in it.

"Syd..." Riles said. "I don't know if I can do this..." She said.

"You preformed at The Fourth, didn't you. This crowed it NOTHING compared to that." I ensured her.

"Yeah, but Blake wasn't there. I know that we have been dating for bout seven years, but he has really heard me sing..." She said.

"Yeah he did." I said nodding. I reached. over and fixed her hair. "At the Fourth concert." We walked up to the and he nodded. With the most confused-shocked-pissed off look. I ignored her, fixed my hair, and we listened to him.

"You girls are on in less then a minute," He said getting up and walking over to the microphones. "Alight, next are these two teenaged girls who looks like they have got some attitude to them, from here in Los Angeles, put your hands together for Sydney and Riley with 'Girl In A Country Song'!!" He said walking away. The packed restaurant clapped as the guy leading it walked back and handed us the mics. "Thanks." I smiled. He nodded and winked at me. We walked up and turned our backs to the crowd. "Can't we just stay this way?" Riley asked me. I tried holding in my laughter.

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