-70-: Ariana does a Buzzfeed Interview

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I sat down on the ground at the studio. I was extremely excited about this interview because I had heard that I will be interviewed with puppies.

"Hi, I'm Ariana Grande and I'm with Buzzfeed to answer a few questions with puppies!" I introduced, waving at the camera.

"I feel like I won't answer some of the questions due to the fact that I'll be distracted." I answered honestly.

I turned to the side to see someone carrying three puppies. I gasped with excitement. He placed the dogs on the ground so that they can explore.

"Oh my gosh, you all are so cute!" I carried the dachshund one in my arms, giving it tiny kisses.

I checked to see if it was female or male. I smiled when I had found out it was a girl.

More puppies are brought to the room, making me cover my mouth and gasp again.

A woman started asking me some questions.

"How are you feeling about going solo?" she asked, a tiny dog is currently sleeping on my lap, another one is asleep beside me.

"It feels amazing." I stopped mid-sentence when a puppy walked past me.

"Ariana?" she called, a few people laughed at my preoccupied face.

"Oh, sorry I was distracted. As I was saying, it feels amazing and scary at some point. I love that I get to write songs along with getting to have a choice in what I do." I explained, petting a brown colored puppy.

"Are you planning on going on tour?" she questioned. I didn't listen to what she said, playing with a few pups.

"What?- What was your question?" I scratched my forehead, giving her an apologetic look.

She repeated the question and it took a second but I tore my eyes from the dog to the woman.

"I am planning on it. Maybe a year or so." I replied, turning my attention to the dog again.

The interview was over and the cameras have stopped rolling. They gave me a few minutes with the puppies before they have to take them away.

"I wish that I can take you home." I lifted the small puppy with black and white colored fur.

"You actually can." Someone interjected. I glanced at her.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded.

"These puppies are up for adoption. You can adopt one if you'd like." She gave me a soft smile.

I nodded happily and then decided to take the little puppy that I was holding home with me.

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