Chapter 63

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After all the nonsense, the two of them were very hungry, especially Xiu Ling. When Gu Yin complained that he was hungry, he hurriedly ran downstairs to cook ribs, wishing he could make up for the few kilograms of meat he had lost right away.

"Slow down..." Gu Yin casually picked up a robe, caught up with his little friend in a few steps, and said warmly: "I'm not that hungry, so I'm not in a hurry." "The

window is open downstairs, it's a bit cold, how about this?" Put it on." He opened his robe and found that he had taken his own clothes in desperation. Gu Yin thought for a while and had no intention of changing again, so he wrapped the robe around Xiu Ling. He wore this dress just above his knees, Xiu Ling wore it just to his ankles, and the sleeves were a little too long, covering his hands.

Gu Yin bent down and rolled up Xiu Ling's sleeves, then kissed the back of his hand.

Xiu Ling's fingertips trembled, and she pretended to complain: "Why do you have to kiss me for everything?" To put on his hat, you have to kiss the top of his hair, to put on his shoes, you have to kiss the instep, and to roll up the cuffs, you have to kiss him with your own hands. ...

He even felt too... slimy.

"Because I like it." Gu Yin said seriously: "The book says that the most direct way to express your love for your partner is to kiss him."

Xiuling's long eyelashes fluttered, and the tips of his ears suddenly became hot. He stood on tiptoe. He quickly stood up and kissed his partner's chin, turned around and ran downstairs.

"..." Gu Yin stood there in a daze. It took him a few seconds to react. The cold lines on his face gradually relaxed. He touched his chin and the corners of his lips raised unconsciously.

The tall alpha went downstairs and saw his little friend busy in the kitchen, flipping the ribs with chopsticks in one hand and gently beating his waist with the other.

"I'll do it." Gu Yin carried him to a chair aside and said, "You tell me what to do."

"Don't interfere." Xiu Ling pushed him away and widened his eyes: "I said I would do it with my own hands. If you cook like this, don't you think I'm being dishonest?"

Because he had cried, his eye circles were still a little red, and he didn't look intimidating at all, but rather pitiful.

Gu Yin's heart felt sour and weak, and he surrendered.

Xiu Ling smiled proudly and went back to fry the ribs in the pot. Amidst the sound of the hot oil frying, his off-key singing voice could be faintly heard.

Gu Yin discovered that his little friend especially liked to hum songs while cooking.

Although out of tune, with his clear voice, boring trivial matters seem to be full of life.

Xiu Ling cooked three dishes and brought them to the table with a sense of accomplishment. He urged Gu Yin to put down his chopsticks: "I have learned these dishes for several days. They are delicious when I eat them by myself, but generally speaking, eating them by myself When you cook your own food, your tongue will have its own filter, so you still have to ask others to taste it."

He said, "Try it quickly and tell the truth. Don't blindly praise it."

Gu Yin frowned and said Looking at him in embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" Xiu Ling asked.

Gu Yin pointed to his tongue and said distressedly: "When I eat your food, my tongue also has its own filter, and you don't let me praise it. I really don't know what to say." "..."

Xiu Ling Said: "It's not that I don't let you praise, it's that I don't let you praise blindly. Can you give me some suggestions? Only with suggestions can I make progress."

Gu Yin put a piece in his partner's expectant eyes. Putting the ribs in his mouth, it felt so good that it tasted like death. It was just the taste he liked. He chewed it and racked his brains for how to find fault.

"I like spicy food." After racking my brains, I finally came up with this idea.

Gu Yin doesn't like spicy food. Even if it is a dish like sweet and sour pork ribs, he is used to putting two spoons of chili in it.

Xiu Ling naturally released it in advance, but not enough. Wen Yan went to the kitchen to get a bottle of hot sauce, and poured two more spoons of hot sauce into it.

"Unique and secret." Xiu Ling shook the bottle and couldn't hide his expression: "I read a method on the Internet, but I changed two steps during the production process, and it became what it is now. Bottle of 'Xiu's Hot Sauce'."

"..." Gu Yin couldn't help but laugh. He somehow thought of Cheng Yixian talking about how he could open a noodle shop after he went bankrupt. He thought to himself: "If I open a noodle shop, Xiao Ling is also a natural at making hot sauce." A pair."

Thinking of this, his heart felt hot. He suddenly grabbed Xiu Ling's hand and whispered: "Xiao Ling, when we get old, I will step down and let's find a place with a nice scenery." Open a noodle shop, I cook the noodles, you make the sauce, open it when you want, close it when you want, take as many orders as you want, not to make money, just to make money? Happy, how about it??"

Xiu Ling imagined the scene for a while, and was fascinated, and said softly: "Then let's go to the place where you were born, just above the small building where you and your parents live, and around the small building. It is full of sunflowers, so our noodle shop is called 'Sunflower Noodle House'."

Gu Yin touched his head and said, "It's called 'Darcissus Noodle House'."

"They are all flowers anyway, no matter what they are called, they all look the same?" After Xiu Ling finished speaking, suddenly Thinking that "narcissus" was himself, he whispered: "I just plant flowers and make hot sauce. The name is your business."

Gu Yin picked up a piece of spare ribs that was not stained with sauce and put it in his bowl: "Don't just Just watch me eat, and you should eat more."

Xiu Ling lowered his head and took a few bites, then said: "I'm not very busy right now, I have a lot of free time, and I want to take the Empire's Advanced Cuisine Master's Certificate, and I'll try to get it in three years. Get the certificate."

Gu Yin seems to be strong and indestructible, but he has been injured many times over the years, and there are hidden dangers buried in his body. It was not obvious when he was young, but he may not be able to bear it when he is old. If he could learn about food cooking, body conditioning, nutrition distribution, etc., and take care of Gu Yin's diet more on a daily basis, it would be of great benefit even if he failed to pass the exam.

Gu Yin asked: "Why three years later?"

"Because Xiu Cheng is three times smarter than me." Xiu Ling stretched out three fingers and analyzed very seriously: "He took one year to pass, and I have to It will take three years."

Gu Yin said with a smile: "The account can't be calculated like this..."

"It's true." Xiu Ling said: "When I recited the text when I was a child, he could remember it in ten minutes, but I have to recite it for half an hour. He finished the same test questions in one hour, and I had to do it in three hours."

"That's because he is older than you."

Xiu Ling shook his head: "These are all recorded in the school, and I compare them. They were all at the same age."

Gu Yin took advantage of his distraction and added a lot of vegetables to his bowl. He was glad that the topic was far away and he finally no longer had to search for suggestions.

"Xiao Ling..." He raised his head and seemed to be considering his words.

Xiu Ling took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth: "What's the matter?"

"The Provisional Government will have a dinner party tomorrow, and several VIPs' wives want to meet you." Gu Yin asked in a questioning tone: "Do you have time? Can you attend? "

"Is it the celebration banquet held by you?"

"...I think so." Gu Yin said, "It's quite boring. If you don't like this kind of social activity, you don't have to go."

Xiu Ling said, "Do you want to Shall I go?"

Gu Yin paused. Many alphas have the "show off partner syndrome" to some extent, and Gu Yin is not immune to it. Moreover, Xiu Ling is inherently elegant and charming, with a refined temperament. He was raised and trained by the royal family of the empire, and he has a certain sense of style in his speech and behavior. He doesn't want to tell the world about it. , attracting the envy and praise of others. It's just that Xiu Ling once complained to him about some boring gatherings of the imperial royal family, and vaguely revealed that he didn't like to join in the fun, so Gu Yin hesitated.

"Since this is a celebration banquet held for you, why should I not go?" Xiu Ling said with a smile, "My partners are one, and your glory is my glory. Don't you want to share it with me?"

The ends of his eyes were raised, and his eyelashes fluttered to the corners of his eyes, like cicada wings.

Gu Yin's lip line slightly raised, she grabbed his hand, her rough and slender fingers passed between his fingers, lowered her head and pressed it against Xiu Ling's forehead, and said lingeringly: "It's an honor to share it with you."


Early the next morning, the two of them got up together and went to the training room to do regular training - for Xiu Ling, it was just fitness.

He already has the outline of abdominal muscles in his lower abdomen. If he continues to exercise for a while, his abdominal muscles will become more visible. Xiu Ling's requirements are not high, six yuan is enough. He also knows that he can't become as strong as Gu Yin with eight yuan, so he doesn't force it.

After a hearty workout, Gu Yin took a towel to wipe the sweat on Xiu Ling's face and neck without changing it, and then wiped his own face.

"Get another dry one." Xiu Ling said, "This? I've already used the towel." The towel smelled like sweat, but he didn't mind it either.

"You don't sweat much." Gu Yin didn't care. After wiping his face, he started wiping his hair and neck.

Xiu Ling helplessly shook his head and let him go. He walked to the mirror in the training room, lifted up his loose short-sleeved top, looked at the small tofu cubes that had already taken shape, and narrowed his eyes with satisfaction.

"Not bad." Gu Yin walked up behind him at some point, stretched out his hand to touch his lower abdomen, and commented: "It looks good."

Xiu Ling also reached out and touched his belly, feeling more and more Do you think the skin there is soft and very elastic?

"Six yuan?" Gu Yin probably counted and asked.

Xiu Ling nodded, he could reach six points even if he broke the sky, but he could lose physically, but he definitely couldn't lose verbally.

He held his head high, pointed at Gu Yin, then pointed at himself, and said seriously: "You know, the reason why I don't practice Ba Kuai is to save some face for you alphas."

Gu Yin: "..."

Xiu After Ling finished speaking, he went downstairs to eat with satisfaction.

Zhang Ma was standing at the door of the living room. When she heard the voice, she turned around and said, "Mr. Xiu, you came just in time. A few people came outside, saying they were gardeners. I was about to ask you if you should open the door." ."

Xiu Ling was stunned for a moment. He still didn't understand what was going on. Gu Yin's voice sounded from behind: "Let them come in, I called them." "

Are you going to plant flowers?" Xiu Ling said. Lu said happily: "Eat quickly, and I will plant the seeds with you after eating."

After that, Gu Yin saw the fastest meal his friend had eaten. Xiu Ling wiped his mouth, took out a flower hoe from somewhere, put on some clothes and walked out.

After returning early, he followed him in a grand manner. Before closing the living room door, he jumped on all fours and rushed out of the door with a gust of cool wind.

The gardeners were already busy in the back garden. When they saw a handsome Omega suddenly walking out, they knew that this was another owner of the Gu house, and they nodded and said hello.

Xiu Ling returned one by one, walked to the flower transport cabin and took a look, and saw a large cluster of narcissus inside. He couldn't help but ask: "Is the temperature here suitable for narcissus to grow?" The

leader among the gardeners was one. The older Omega wore gloves and took out a daffodil for Xiu Ling to observe carefully.

"This is the latest variety developed. It has been genetically modified and is cold-resistant. It can survive above minus five degrees. This is different from the daffodils of ancient Earth. You see, its petals are thicker. The leaves have also grown a thick protective film and the colors are brighter."

This Omega is an expert. After introducing the narcissus to Xiuling, he also introduced other varieties in the flower cabin.

Xiu Ling listened with great interest, and turned around to see that Gu Yin came out at some point and was helping a few gardeners clean up the weeds in the garden.

The author has something to say:

I want to go to their noodle restaurant to eat noodles! Eat the widest noodles and taste the spiciest sauce! Eat the most delicious dog food!

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