Q and A part 2

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Hey guys Dially here and I'm here with Lazy and we have more questions that need to be answered WOOOOOO!!!


Okay the first two questions are asked by the same person lol

Lol ok

@LizShizz420 first ask

"Can I ask a question? ;3"

Yes you can! Next? XD


she then asks


HAHAHAHA OMG! Lion king is perfect *claps*

And yeah I can totally feel the love from my best friend Lazy here who is willing to stay awake with me until the effect of the pills I took wear off..... Shhhh

Lol yeaaah it's a secret

Next question time!!!!!

Like my blue bra


-_- tmi Lazy

Xd XDd Don't worry aboot it

It's from melodiousChaos and she asks

"Who was your first Wattpad friend?"

Well, mine was Dially :3

Honestly even though I'm close friend with Lazy  and some others like KalyaniAruna it would have to be ShadowDragonRider I really got to know them as they were my second ever follower XD


Next question!!!!

*do a lil dance in the background while wait for the question*

This is from @A_Clever_UserNam3 and they ask

"If you were in a zombie apocalypse, what is the first thing that you'd do?"

I honestly would scream and cry and then hide in my room where I have wifi

Kill Nogla- i mean- xD get supplies and some guns and make sure that everyone around me is secure


I'm a mother lol :3 (aka she's my mom apparently and a bunch of our friends on Skype)
Next question!!

Okay this person asked four questions so I saved them for last

Holly shit Alright

This is from my really good friend Puerto_Ricochet and her first question is...

"How did you find out about Vanoss and the rest of the group?"

Let's see... I was wondering arounf the internet, deciding whether I should get gta 5 or not, then I saw a video of funny moments. I went to see and started to laugh at all the silly things and then i say: "okay, those guys are awesome" and that's all

I honestly was telling Lazy this story over Skype... XD so I was on Wattpad searching for a good SeaChaos book to read that I haven't read and I didn't find any. I then noticed that my friend BunnehJuice was posting this book that I never even wanted to read. But I was bored so I read it. And I just fell in love. I knew they had to be Youtubers so I checked out H2ODelirious first and just fell in love. I then slowly gotten to the others and yeah. If you want to know the book it's called Broken but then Fixed

XD that's true, I remember u say it and I look for it like "Where the fuck is this at!!" "I wanna read the bitch!!"

Next question she asked is....

"When you first became a part of the Wattpad community, did you have a story in mind? Did you plan to write?"

Honestly yeah I did plan on writing but I didn't know what story to write. Should have I followed what I wrote on FanFiction or just start fresh. I choose starting fresh and became interested in YouTube

Lets be honest here, im always lost. So I didn't know what to do. I only started to write when i talked to Dially and she said, "do it!" And i was "okay, ill try". And when i started, I didn't know how to. So i jumped without the parachute but landed, head first, but fine xD

Yup ;3

Next question! Hehe, battery 69% hehehe

She then asked

"Did u think u would meet anyone on Wattpad?"

Lol so immature lazy XD

Lol I know

And no honestly I just thought to write and nothing else but I'm glad I made the friends I have today

I didn't expect, at all. But im also glad i did!

And lastly but not least she finally asked..... Drum roll please

*drum roll*

"Did you know anyone on Wattpad before joining?"

And nope lol

Nope XD

And that is all the questions we got today


Please asks us more questions as we love to answer them

Feel free to send more! This is fun as hell!

Stay lazy people!

It is lol and also ask Puerto_Ricochet some questions for me as she's doing the same

Yup yup

And as always

With lots of love 💛

(Put the stay lazy more to the end lol) (hehe nope)

Lazy Out



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