The Visit

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Brock's POV:

Watching time fly around me I smile as the sun rays hit my face. Being here is so peaceful. I came here on my way to visit Brian. You know to enjoy this nice scenery and talk about it to him.

The airs feels fresh and everything looks beautiful. I could here the children play in the playground and I could feel the earth move slowly.

We could go for a walk around. We can always look for a pond we can throw rocks in. We can play a lot of childish games. At long as I'm with you Brian, we can rule the world.

I took a deep breathe as I was laying on the floor; letting the world past by me. I wish I had brought you here Brian as its just amazing. Just knowing you're here for me cheers me up.

I get up and I walk around now just enjoying what this place has to offer with you. I know what you're thinking, "this place is a little boring let's go somewhere else." But I know you're staying here with me.

I hear ringing as I realized that it came from my phone. I checked it and see that I was getting a call from Evan. Doesn't he know I'm spending my time with Brian. I told him this in the note I left.

I ignored his call and I see that I have many missed calls from him, Delirious, and everyone else. Wow I really must have a been in deep thought to not hear any of these calls right Brian.

I leave this peaceful place and I decided to go to a flower shop. What is your favorite type of flower Brian? Oh yeah they're white roses. You were telling me about how the innocent of the roses made you happy.

The lady asked me who the flowers were for and I said they were for you. She smiles sadly at me and told me to give it to you. Of course that's what I'm going to do. I know you'll love them since there fresh as a daisy.

I paid for the flowers and I took a deep breathe of their smell. It smells like you as whenever I visited you would always have white roses around your house. I guess you love it when I give them to you.

I walk for a couple of more blocks since I always did like go enjoy the scenery. I really didn't bring my car or else the others would have tracked us on our date. I wouldn't want any interruptions as they do that a lot.

I see the place where we always met up and I walk in. I see there was a lady at the front desk. She looks at me and smiles sadly knowing who I was going to ask. She just nods her head and I enter the place.

I walk out knowing we're I had to go as I've been here several times. As I walk around I noticed there was a lot of people visiting. I guess they always meet there special someone here. I see you in the distance and I smiled.

"Hey Brian I came to see you since the last time I came," I said to him.

"I went to a beautiful park earlier today you would have loved, well at least I loved it you would have thought it was boring for a bit," I said remembering the park earlier.

"It was really nice and peaceful and we could have a nice picnic there," I said looking at him.

"After I left the park I went to the flower shop and I bought some White Roses like you wanted aren't they beautiful," I said giving it to him.

"I miss you so much Brian it's been to long since we have met," I said looking down.

"But like I promised the last time I said that I would be with you," I said pulling out something from my bag.

"It's something you had left me and I'm going to use it," I said cocking the gun turning off the safety.

"It was very thoughtful of you leaving it to me and I'm glad for it," I said looking at him one last time.

"But it's finally to complete my promise and visit you," I said point the gun to my head.

I heard running sounds coming from behind me and I knew my time was limited. I'm glad I could visit you again Brian. But this time I'll stay with you.....



End of POV:

When the guys reached Brock it was already to late. The bullet had gone straight threw his head and he collapse on top of someone's grave.

Brian Douglas
The Gaming Terroriser
A good friend and lover
March 23, 1986 - June 22, 2015

Well guys I was searching through my old notes and came upon an old writing I had did to make lazylogs sad because she loves Moo and she was doing something to annoy me thus this was born

Of course it was a little worse than this I managed to fix this up a bit and make it even sadder I guess lol and this is my 99 post I'm almost to 100 that's crazy so I'll be taking request for my 100 one shot post.

It could be anything you want and I'll post the winner whenever I have the times and as always

With lots of love 💛



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