My Triple Life

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A Triple Life (A Book Idea)


I'm living three lives. It's not the hardest thing to do but it's not like taking candy from a baby. Why did I choose to live my life this way..... I really don't know. I guess the inner side of me had to be let out some how.

One of my life. I'm a known super hero. Yeah I'm a super hero what can you expect. I protect the town of Los Santos. Well at least the good side of town. I work with a team of super heroes.

You probably heard of Night Owl. He's the leader of our team of super heroes. He is very well known as his second leader in command Early Bird. We work together to stop bad guys like the Mickey Mouse Gang, Minxy, Wrecker, and many more.

The Mickey Mouse Gang is formed by the three major leaders. Adam Montoya, aka Seananners or dad, Aaron Slam, UncleSlam or mom, and Anthony Garcia, Chilled Chaos or their son. It's their code names but we think Chilled was forced to be in.

There is also Michelle Dean, aka Minxy, she works alone but her wife Kristen makes it hard for Michelle to be pinned. Wrecker works with many others which includes GassyMexican, Dlive, and Entoan.

They are all well know villains except for one. The team have no idea who they are but they are the worst of the worst. They are known as De Killer. Famous for kidnapping someone holding them hostage for three days and then killing them if they don't get what they want.

Wanted from every parts of Los Santos but the thing is I know De Killer very well. As I am him. Yes I am a super hero by day and De Killer at night. You're wondering how I can pull this off. With the right connections you can pull anything off.

And my third life. It's just my normal life on the street. The one who is a gamer and has YouTube channel when I'm now fighting crime or killing someone because I can. I'm the one who makes everyone laugh or messes up something on purpose.

My name is Jonathan Denis, aka H2O Delirious. I am the known superhero Batcoon and also the game De Killer. This is my triple life.

Yeah yeah I'm still writing oneshots but I'll also be writing story book ideas that I want to write and this one I would definitely want to write. It will have fluff, action, comedy, and gore. Yeah descriptive scenes of torture and stuff but it will be interesting.

What would you think of the idea. Should this become a book or just be a prompt. Maybe I should rename this book not the one I just posted but My Oneshot book too..... My Oneshot, Q and A, and Prompts. Lol XD

With lots of love 💛



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