Truth About VanossGaming

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Truth about VanossGamimg

Who is VanossGaming? He's a Youtuber who has over 14 million subscribers. He makes funny videos which everyone enjoys to watch. He has many friends like his best friend Delirious.

Vanoss is confident, out going, and isn't afraid of anything. He's willing to take a challenge and head it face on. He's a leader and will lead his friends to victory. He's also a trolled as he likes to use explosions and stuff.

He makes videos such as Prop hunt, Gmod Scary Maps, Death Run, GTA V, and WAW. He makes silly comments on the most randomest things that happen in a recording.  He had a very entertaining laugh that keeps people happy.

People look up to Vanoss because of his success. His success to becoming YouTube's second biggest gaming channel. Vanoss makes people happy when they watch his videos. His job is to make sure everyone has a smile on their face.

But VanossGaming is a mask. I am Evan Fong. I am someone who hides behind a mask. I'm not outgoing. I'd like to hide in the shadows. I don't like showing myself to my fans.

On my Twitter I don't include my name. Just that is VanossGaming official Twitter page. Even on my Instagram says VanossGaming. But I do include pictures of me. But just charity events that I attend to.

I'm to scared to do anything. When I see what goes on Twitter I don't do anything about it. I mean I retweet some photos of Vanoss but never when it's about me,

I see my friends struggling with personal problems like Delirious when he was struggling with his channel being banned. I watched it all go down. I even saw when his channel was taken away.

I just sat in my chair staring at my phone as other youtubers like Jacksepticeye help him out and just the others cheering him on through this process. I'm not a good friend like how the fans picture me.

Fans picture me as someone who is confident, outgoing, and caring. I know I'm caring a bit but mostly for myself. I'm not confident I don't even like standing up for my self.

I hide in the shadows that my girlfriend has to post up pictures of me on her Twitter page. I don't get what my fans sees in me. I see the fanfic a of how they picture me as and all I see are lies.

I'm not like what you picture me. Think about that whenever you write a story. Who is Evan Fong? And who is VanossGaming?

Hey guys sorry for not posting in a while. My brain is currently in writers block so this is going to be a small series called Truth About..... A youtuber. Yeah XD

This is Vanoss first tell me what you think. Have you ever thought him of this way. Please tell me in the comments down below. Inspiration for this was a conversation me and LazerKitten had

Also 14 years later seems like a long time for the lost lives of 9/11 we will always remember what happened that day and what our country had to deal with.

With lots of love 💛



Word count: 542

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