Where is Delirious? Pt 2

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Vanoss POV:

After a six minute drive to Maple park, I see the park in my views. I park my car on the side and I quickly get out. I look around and I see little kids playing around in the playground. I sighed noticing Delirious wasn't here. I sit on a park bench and I start to think about the first time I met Delirious. I was only four at the time but I remember it crystal clear.

Flashback to the past whoosh

I am building my sand castle. It's going to be the best sand castle ever I thought as I used the stuff my mommy bought me.

I then notice someone crying. I look up and I see a kid with a hockey mask.

"Hey," I said, " what's wrong."

He looks up at me surprised.

"Are you talking to me," he said.

"Yeah you're crying and I want to know why," I asked him.

He wipes his eyes and says, "those kids were bullying me."

I looked and my eyes narrowed. They were the bully group.

"Don't listen to them you can hang with me," I said smiling at him.

"Really," his eyes widen behind the mask and I nod my head.

I think he is happy because he came over to me and we start to build the best sand castle ever.

"I like your mask by the way," I told him.

"Thanks I like your glasses," he said.

It was then I knew we would be the bestests of friends

End of flashback

I sigh remembering that moment. I then look over to that sand box and I noticed something sticking out of the ground. I walk over to it and I noticed it was another note.

The note said:

So Evan does this bring back memories. Well I hope it does because soon Delirious will become a distant memory for you. But you found the first clue now here is the next the next clue. Now you are at the first place you met think about how life went on. To be free and have fun. This is were you feel free and was also the place were you got hurt.


Ok now who is LC and what happened to BIDW. Whatever if they have Delirious then I will find them. The place I feel free and where I got hurt. Wait I feel free playing hockey and that was the first time I got hurt and he was there. So that's my next destination. To the ice rink.

And there we have it the one shot I hope you enjoyed it I still have two one shots to crest I love you guys and can't wait for mor

With lots of love



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