Chapter 23 : Dead Meat

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Glass. It broke in the middle of the night, someone was here. I quickly unwrap myself from Corey's arms and grab the pistol I kept in my night stand.

I walk out to the hallway and hear footsteps approaching me. When the man passed me I tackled him. "Ow."

I turn the man over and find Trayce. "Really Julia?" He asks. "Well sorry I thought you were an intruder." I say. "Well I'm not, now get off me." Trayce says. I sigh and stand up. "Geez you even brought a gun?" He asks. "Yes I did." I say crossing my arms.

"What did you break?" I ask looking around. "The glass vase by the staircase." He says pointing to the vase shattered on the floor. I chuckle and point at the mop and broom in the closet. "I know, I know." He says walking over to them. I nod and watch as he cleans up the mess. "Goodnight." I say before walking back to the room.

"Julia we gotta go." Corey says trying his best to get me out of bed. I groan and sit up. "Do we have to?" I asks checking the clock. Corey nods and I sigh standing up.

I walk to the bathroom and change into my dodger shorts, a dodger windbreaker, and a random dodger shirt. When I was finished Corey chuckles. "Staff is suppose to wear uniform today." Corey says.

"Are you serious? That's today?" I ask. Corey nods and I sigh grabbing my white softball pants and blue socks. I grab my jersey that said Pederson but with the number 13. It was my number.

I walk out the room and slip on my nikes. "Whoa uniform day?" Trayce asks as I walk downstairs. I nod and sigh. "Great."

Uniform day was when everyone on the staff wore a whole Dodgers uniform with their own number and last name. It was confusing for the players, I didn't know why but it was. For the staff it was just hard, some days uniform day would be on a hot day and we couldn't stand the heat. The other days we just hated having to put a whole uniform on. We don't have a uniform besides wearing dodger gear which was good.

"Good morning." Joc says. I smile at him too tired to speak. I grab a bowl and pour some cereal in it. "Where's Corey?" I ask. "He left to get coffee. We're out." Joc says. I sigh and check my watch. "We are also late if we don't get going." I say. Joc nods and I take my cereal to go.

We all get into Trayce's car and he speeds away. "That isn't healthy." I say as I see Trayce driving really fast. Trayce shrugs and keeps his eyes on the road, "I think I'll manage." He says smiling. "Okay then." I say turning away.

Joc chuckles and I text Corey to meet us at the stadium. "So, Alina we have some news." Joc says. "And what is that?" I ask looking at my phone. "Marley still works for us." Joc says. I turn around in the passenger seat and stare at Joc. "You're lying." I say. "You'll see when we get there." Joc says crossing his arms. I growl and Trayce chuckles as he keeps driving.

When we get to the stadium I get greeted by Corey. "Hey." I say smiling as he leans down to kiss me. "Hi." He says handing me an iced coffee. "Thank you." I say smiling before walking into Coach Roberts office. "Hey Coach." I say smiling. "Julia please, call me Dave." He says smiling. I nod and he shakes my hand as I take a seat. "I see you remembered uniform day." Dave says motioning at my uniform. "Yup." I say smiling. "So what can I do for you Julia?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"I was wondering, what you wanted me to do today with the boys." I say. "Oh right, um Marley knows what to do." Dave says nodding. "Oh okay." I say nodding. Dave smiles and I stand up. "Thank you." I say walking to the door. "No, thank you." he says smiling. I walk out to the field and see the boys stretching. "Hello there." I hear the familiar voice of Marley. Great.

"Hi." I say without turning to her. "You should've been nicer to me at dinner Julia, and you also should've seen Corey's face when I came in today with a special outfit for him." Marley says.

I chuckle. "Oh yeah I seen his face, it was filled with frightfulness." I say turning to her. Marley rolls her eyes, "Don't be jealous Julia." Marley says smiling as she points her finger in the air. "I'm not trust me." I say rolling my eyes.

Marley scoffs and begins to make her way to the boys. I walk to the third base line to help Clayton stretch his arm out good.

"Hey Julia mind helping Joc while I help Corey?" Marley asks. Corey raises his eyebrows and I nod smiling. I wasn't going to break easy. "Whoa gonna let her take your man?" Joc asks. "If Corey is smart he'll pick the right person." I say.

Joc nods and I point to my pocket. "Don't worry I have protection." I say as Joc begins to run. When everyone was done we begin batting practice. "Let's get going!" Marley yells at the boys who are taking their time.

"Julia!" I hear someone call my name. I turn and see Kelly in the crowd. I walk over to her and raise an eyebrow. "We have our first case!" She says smiling. "And it's here." She says.

"Oh wow what's wrong?" I ask. "Someone in the stadium have threats on one of the players and we need to find them. Get your uniform on, let's go." Kelly says. "I can't leave the boys it's my day for work." I say. "Good idea you stay here and protect them at all costs and the rest of us will look around the stadium." Kelly says handing me my uniform and a pistol. I nod and look at the boys. "Watch them as I go change." I say.

When I was finished getting dressed it was protocol for the boys to go to the clubhouse when things like this happened. "Let's get going." I say motioning to the clubhouse. "How are you so sure it's a threat?" Marley asks. "My team is the best, trust me I know." I say as I walk into the clubhouse and lock the door behind me.

"So what do we do?" Joc asks. "Um do what you guys normally do." I say as I walk to the clubhouse entrance. I lock it quickly and make sure everyone was in the clubhouse.

"So first case?" Kiké asks. "Yes." I say nodding as I tie my boots. "Thank you Julia." Dave says walking to me. "I'm not doing anything trust me it's my team doing the work out there." I say. "Yes, but you are the one who runs everything." Dave says. I nod and he smiles. "Then I will be thanking you." He says.

"How about this, you thank the whole team?" I ask. "Good idea any-"

The door of the clubhouse entrance was knocked down and someone in a blue hoodie walks in. I raise my pistol and the guy does too at me. "Put it down." I say. The man stays quiet and points his weapon at me. This day couldn't get any worst.

"All I want is Joc Pederson." He says. "Okay, I'm sure we can come to terms, but you need to drop your weapon." I say. "Why? So you can shoot me?" He asks. "How about I do?" He asks before pulling the trigger and getting me right on my bulletproof vest.

I smirk catching him off guard as I tackle him to the floor. "Whoa, you beat us to him." Sam says out of breath as they run towards me. "I guess so." I say grabbing the handcuffs Travis holds out for me. "Julia!" Corey yells. "She just got shot how is she not effected by it?" Justin asks.

I turn to them and see them confused. "Bulletproof vest." I say unbuttoning my shirt and reveal the bullet in the vest. "Smart." Clayton says. "Um Travis why don't you take this man back to the office and try to figure out why he wanted Joc." I say handing him the key to the office. "And call me if you get anything." I say. Travis nods before leaving.

"See what she has brought to the team? She brought you guys threats! Not once have you guys had that problem!" Marley says. "Actually we have." Adrian says. "Look I will take responsibility for my team not finding the man on time, but something I did do right today is save you guys from getting a bullet in you." I say. "Julia's right she saved our asses." Corey says. "Especially yours." Trayce says pointing to Joc.

Corey walks over to me and leans down to give me a kiss. "That was extremely scary yet, hot at the same time." Corey whispers. I smile and he winks. "Anyways dinner tonight before you go back to work tomorrow?" Corey asks. "Yes of course." I say nodding. Corey smiles and leans down to kiss me. "Seager let's go!" Chase yells. I chuckle and wipe the red lipstick mark he had on his lips. "Love you." I say. "Love you too Julia!" He yells as he leaves the clubhouse.

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