Chapter 55 : I Lost Her

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José smiles at me and everyone waits for me to say something, but I don't. José and I walk straight to the couch and sit down. Everyone stares at us confused, but we don't say anything about it.

"So Julia. How are the legs?" Mariana asks. "They're fine." I say smiling, no they weren't they were hurting every second, especially my feet in these heels. "Julia can handle pain." Jose says placing a hand on my thigh. Joc walks downstairs and into the living room surprised I was still here.

I stare at him with anger, but smile. Telling him I was okay that he gave Britney a room, and gave me a closet to come home to. "Do you want a drink?" Jose asks. I nod and he stands up to head to the kitchen. "So Julia, when do you come back for work?" Mariana asks. "Which job?" I ask. "Task force." She says. "Um maybe between one or two months." I say. Mariana nods and I look down at my legs.

"Are you sure that's enough time?" Joc asks. "Yes." I say without looking at him. "Don't force yourself to do it Julia." Kiké says. "I'm perfectly fine." I say shrugging. José walks back into the living room and hands me a cup. I look into the cup and see a clear liquid. "Water?" I ask. He nods and I smile at him, "Thank you." Jose nods and kisses my cheek.

I blush and everyone stares at us wondering what's going on. "So Britney, how did you and Corey meet?" I ask putting my best smile on. "We actually were introduced by Joc." She says. I turn to Joc and he stands looking at me quietly. "Seriously Joc?" José whispers. "I thought you guys met during the off season in your hometown." Kiké says looking at Corey. "Yeah, we lied about how we met." Corey says nervously. I shake my head and they all stare at them.

"You know what, why don't we go around the room and tell each other the truth. We go around five times so we tell each other five truths. Okay?" Joc asks. Everyone agrees and I look at the boys wondering who's going to start.

"Julia, do you still have feelings for Corey?" José asks. I shake my head, "No." Everyone nods and I stare at Joc, "Why did you sell our house and get us a new house without giving me a bedroom?" Joc stares at me quietly and I shake my head. "You didn't just betray me, you turned your back on me when I needed you most! You have done so many shitty things over the year I don't even recognize you." I say. Joc frowns, "And the worse part is, you can't even defend yourself or say sorry for your mistakes." I say crossing my arms.

"Okay that's enough, you two need to sort out whatever's between you guys. Your siblings and have been through a lot together. Whatever this is, you guys can get through it." Kiké says standing up. "And this is such a childish game, here's the truth. Corey moved on with Britney, Britney is in love with Corey and she happens to be like Julia, Joc has a girlfriend, but his favorite girls will always be Justine and Julia, I have a wife who I love dearly, Justin and Kourtney are in their own world, the same for Clayton and Ellen, Jose is just here for you Julia, and Julia you're blind, everyone here in this room didn't forget about you. We never did and we never will." Kiké finishes.

Everyone stays quiet, "We're gonna get going." Ellen says motioning at her and Clayton. Everyone waves goodbye, but they don't say anything else. Kourtney, Justin, Mariana, and Kiké follow them out the door and it was just Corey, Joc, Britney, Jose, and I now.

"I'm gonna go to bed." Joc says. We don't say anything we just stare at him as he walks up to his room. "Look Julia, I don't want any drama between us. Can we just start over?" Corey asks. I turn to him and raise an eyebrow, "No we can't, I'm sorry." I say before José and I begin to leave.

The next day I was too tired to get up or walk so I just sat there staring at the white ceiling above me. Someone knocks on the door, "Come in." I yell. I stare at the door and find Kiké.

He walks over to my bed and sits down at the end of it. I sit up in bed and wait for him to say something. "Julia, Joc didn't mean what he did." He says. "All of you guys are on his side. Why?" I ask. "You got to try and see from his point of view. He had a sister in the hospital for three years and one day he saw the room with your pictures, bed sheets, and everything that belonged to you. He saw them every single day when he walked passed you room to go to his. He couldn't deal with it so he packed it up and put it in the closet. But something deep down told him to leave it out because maybe there was a chance that you would wake up." Kiké says.

"What makes you so sure he thinks this?" I ask. "He told me." Kiké says. I nod and stare at my hands in my lap. "He just changed so much." I say. "Julia, he isn't the only one who has changed. Even you have." Kiké says motioning at my body. "You've always put others first and now you're putting yourself first." He states. "Well don't I deserve it at least? I mean everything i've done is for Joc to repay him for what he did for me growing up. This is my career and I want to be able to control it now." I say.

Kiké sighs, "Julia don't you see it? You were the one who always changed your career. Joc never asked you to. You do have control on your career." He stands up and walks out the room.

I stand up and walk downstairs following Kiké. "What do you-oh hello." I say as I see the faces of Corey and Britney. They smile at me and I almost frown, but bring myself to a smile. "Would you like to go out to breakfast with us? Kiké and Mariana can't come, but you can invite José i'm sure he would love to go with us." Britney says. I think about it for awhile, then nod. "Sure, let me call him." I say before walking upstairs.

Corey was going to see who and what he lost. Me, Julia Pederson.

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