Chapter 69 : Mothers and Fathers

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30 votes and 30 comments for next chapter "We didn't mean to surprise you like this, but we heard Corey proposed and we just had to come

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"We didn't mean to surprise you like this, but we heard Corey proposed and we just had to come." Justin says. I shake my head, "It's fine." They nod and I stand up to give them a hug. "Let's see the ring." Kyle says smiling. I hold out my left hand and they all admire the ring. "It's beautiful." Julie says. I nod in agreement and they all look up at me.

"What happened to Britney?" Justin asks. "She quit and said it was meant for Corey and I to be together." I say. They all stare at me in shock and I shrug. "I was just as surprised as you are." I say taking off my hoodie. "Did you want to take a walk around the stadium?" I ask. They shake their heads and I cross my arms trying to think of what else to do. "We can go watch the daily meetings in the clubhouse." I say. They all nod and rush out of my office.

I follow them into the clubhouse and find Dave talking to the boys. "Hey guys go ahead and pull a chair a up." He says. Corey waves his hand in the air and points to the chair next to him. I walk towards him and sit down on the chair.

"So pre season will start soon, and we wanna know what we need to work on. Any suggestions?" Dave asks turnings to me. "No." I say shaking my head, "I work them out as much as I can, and if they need any help with something they ask me." I say nodding. "You work out Corey the most." Kiké says quietly. I turn to him and the guys around him begin to laugh.

"Just ignore him." Corey whispers. I chuckle and nod. "So that's it for this meeting I guess, anyone have something to say?" Dave asks looking around the room. Everyone shakes their head and Dave nods before walking to his office.

"So I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my family coming." Corey says turning to me. "It's fine." I say chuckling. "I barley found out and honestly I forgot to tell you." Corey says nervously. I smile and kiss his cheek, "It's fine." I say smiling. Corey nods and stands up from his chair.

"We're going out tonight, my parents, siblings, and Joc. Did you want to come with us?" Corey asks. "Yeah of course." I say nodding. Corey nods and places his phone in his locker. "I'll see you on the field." I say leaning up to kiss him. Corey nods and I walk to Julie, Justin, and Kyle. "So I have to work, did you want to stay for BP or go to your seats?" I ask. "We'll stay for BP." Justin says. "Okay let me get your passes." I say. They nod and I quickly walk to my office to write them a pass.

When I get back they put them on and I take them onto the field where Joc, Kiké, and Trayce are by homeplate and Clayton, Chase, Yasiel, and Yasmani are in the outfield catching balls and giving them to fans.

"Hey guys." I say to the three of them. "Hey Julia." They say without looking at me. "Who's batting first?" I question. "Kiké." Trayce says. I nod and Kiké slips on his batting gloves and grabs his bat before heading into the box.

"This is your daily job?" Julie asks. "Yup." I say nodding. "You train these boys and you don't have any problems while doing it?" She asks raising her eyebrows. "They're mature enough to know when to be serious and when to be crazy." I say chuckling. "They're a bit serious now with playoffs around the corner." I say. Julie nods and I lean against the fence to watch Kiké bat.

"Who's your favor player on the team? You know besides Corey." Kyle asks. "Um Joc." I say. "Means a lot Julia." Trayce says turning to me. I roll my eyes and Joc smiles at me. "And Trayce is your roommate right?" Justin asks. I nod. "Must he really hard to live with the team trainer." Kyle says looking at Trayce. "Exactly what I said!" Trayce says. Kyle laughs and I roll my eyes, "I'm not even hard on you so shut it." Trayce smiles and nods, "You're very right."

I shake my head and we all stay silent as we watch the rest of batting practice.

After the game Corey changed into his suit that he had to wear to the stadium today and I changed into the extra dress I had in my office.

~*~After the game Corey changed into his suit that he had to wear to the stadium today and I changed into the extra dress I had in my office

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When I was finished Corey and I walk to my car. "I'll drive babe." Corey says. I nod and toss him the keys. "We'll follow Joc." Corey says. "Okay." I say climbing into the passenger seat.

"Kyle is going to pick up our parents so he'll be a little late." Corey says. "Why didn't they come to the game?" I ask. "I have no idea." Corey says pulling out of the parking space. I nod and he begins to follow Joc.

"Now have you met my parents?" Corey asks. I shrug, "I honestly don't remember." I say trying to think. Corey shakes his head, "Well anyway, they're very simple and according to Justin they absolutely hate you for what happened to Britney. Not gonna sugar coat it." He says nervously. I look down at my lap and Corey grabs my hands. "But they also love you because they know you make me happy." Corey says kissing my hand. I smile and Corey turns back to the road.

When we get to the restaurant Julie and Justin are at a table towards the back. Corey and I walk to them to sit and wait for his parents. "You look beautiful Julia." Julie says admiring my dress. I smile, "Thank you." Julia nods and we all sit in an awkward silence as we wait.

"You played great Corey." Justin says trying to start a conversation. "Now, now, now. You know the deal boys. No baseball talk at the table until after we finish eating." Julie says. The boys nods and I chuckle.

"Here they are." Corey says standing up to face his Mom and Dad. Corey hugs his parents and then he turns to me. "Mom, dad this is Julia." Corey says smiling at me. "Hello Julia, I'm Jeff and this is my wife Jody." His dad says shaking my hand. "Jeff hug the girl." Jody says. Jeff blushes and I smile as he hugs me. "Nice to meet you Julia." Jody says hugging me. We all sit down and Corey places his hand on my thigh under the table.

"How are you Julia?" Jeff asks. "I'm good, and you?" I ask. "I'm doing good." Jeff says nodding as he picks up his menu. "How was the game?" Jeff asks. "No baseball Jeff." Jody says shaking her head. Jeff groans and I smile. "So Julia, Corey tells us that you are leaving to the Navy in a couple of months. Why do you want to go back?" Jody asks.

"I honestly miss doing it." I say shrugging. Jody nods, "But Im sure Corey wants a child, are you willing to drop all of that again for him?" I turn to Corey not knowing what to say, because Corey and I never talked about children. "Mom not so many questions please." Corey says.

"We haven't really discussed children." I say. Jody nods, "Corey it's a simple question." Corey sighs, "Sorry babe." I smile and shake my head, "It's okay." Corey nods and Jeff places his menu down to look at Corey and I.

"Have you guys picked the bridesmaids and groomsmen?" Jeff asks. "Yes we did in fact." Corey says smiling. "Well go on, name them." Jody says eager. "Kyle, Justin, Trayce, Joc, and Kiké. Kelly, Sam, Justine, Mariana, and Ellen." Corey says. "Who's the maid of honor Julia?" Jeff asks. "My friend Kelly." I say smiling. "The best man?" Jeff asks. "Joc." Corey says. Jeff and Jody nod. "You two seem really happy." Kyle says. Corey turns to me and smiles, "How can I not be happy? I'm going to marry the love of my life."

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