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You were a girl with a very low self-esteem, and was afraid to go out and meet people...for people just didn't understand you...and you were just tired of all the negativity from everyone...so you stayed in your room, while other teens were out enjoying themselves with their friends and boyfriends...your parents thought you were in dire need of a shrink...until one day you were turning the dial on your radio, and found a station, that had a guy talking...and you left it on that channel, and listened to him...for you were immediately drawn to the sound of his voice.

After the first day of listening, you found out that he was on regularly on that station, and that it was live...one day you decided to call the number...and chat, with him...he inspired you in many ways...and made you feel positive about yourself...and you made it a routine with him daily, and you'd talk your problems and fears away with him...one day as you were talking to him, he came out and asked you a few personal questions about where you lived, and if you'd like to meet up with him in person, and talk with him over some coffee, or lunch sometime...you hesitated a little bit...but after all you and he has been talking through in the last three weeks you felt like you really knew him...so you said you'd love to meet him in person...so instead of giving your information over the air...he asked you if you knew where the Daylight's Donuts was located on 23rd and Euclid...after you told him yes...he said he'd meet up with you there around 1:30 tomorrow if that was ok with you...you told him that it would be fine...then before he went off air with you, he said his name was Crisstopher...and that he would wait for you on the left-hand side of the Coffee shop in the far booth.

You took a shower that night and hunted through your closet to find something nicer to wear for the meeting with Crisstopher...then you tried to go to sleep...but you were far too excited mixed with nervousness...the next day came very fast, and you were dressed and had your hair all brushed out, and ready for lunch time to come around...when your parents noticed you out of your room they asked if hell froze over...you smiled at them both and said you were going on a lunch date, and that you'd be back home later sometime...you were letting your excitement get to you now as you ran to the Donut shop...

Once you got there it was 12:45, you were a little early...but decided to go in anyways and wait for him...you walked in and looked at the far booth on the left-hand side...but he wasn't there yet...so you sat down and listened to your mp3 player as you waited for him. You sat there for almost twenty minutes when a very gothic guy came up to you...you removed your earbuds as he asked you if he could sit down...you were staring at him wicked piercings and his long jet black hair...but you said yes to him...after he sat down, you found yourself staring deep into his dark hazel eyes that was heavily covered in black eyeliner.

He held out his hand to you and said he was Crisstopher...you smiled at him and accepted his hand, and after you told him your name, all your tension flooded out the door...he was such a very sweet natured guy...and you and he ended up having a very long and very nice conversation...and for the first time, you really opened up to someone that you felt truly understood you...and before the date was over...he was holding your hand, telling you that he really enjoyed your company...then asked if it was all right if he called on you again tomorrow...you actually gave him a cute smile as you blushed a little, but managed to squeak out that you would love to see him again...he gave you his very gorgeous smile and reached over and kissed you lightly on the cheek and said that was great and that you and he both were on again tomorrow same time, same place...you told him that would be perfect...then he stood up and walked you out of the shop, and before going your separate ways...he casually gave you a full body hug, then said see you tomorrow...you ran all the home and passed your parents up full of excitement in thinking that you were finally going to have a boyfriend in your life.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now