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You accidently boarded the wrong plane at the airport...but you didn't realize it until after the plane already took off...you looked around trying to locate your friend...but she was nowhere to be seen...you did, however, notice a lot of celebrities...amongst them was none other than Criss Angel!! You were so excited for seeing all of them up close...but you also felt really out of place...so you hunkered down in the far back seat...trying to make yourself disappear...for the first part of the flight...your disappearing act worked...until Sully Erna was walking toward the back sexually fondling one of the private stewardesses.

As he turned around...he literally fell in your lap...and gave you a silly grin as he got up, and asked if you were ok...that it was totally not deliberate...you gave him a weak smile and said you were fine...you found out he was a very nice guy to talk too...and very silly...but Criss noticed him talking to you...and knew right away that you were not one of his invitee's...and interrupted you both...just as he was about to go off on you about sneaking in his private plane...it stalled and was hit with major turbulence...Sully grabbed his stewardess, and hit the nearest seat, and held onto her tightly...Criss jumped in beside you and held onto you...

Twenty minutes later, everything was very dark and silent...all you could hear was your own heavy breathing...and your heart pounding wildly...but you knew Criss was at least alive...for you felt him move around...then he flicked his lighter on...and searched around the plane...Sully, Klayton, and Carrot-Top were standing around looking through the small windows in the plane trying to see where and what they landed on...but they couldn't see nothing...Criss ran toward the pilot's deck...and after prying the doors open...he saw both of them dead. Criss headed to the exit door...and kicked it open...a burst of cold air blasted through the plane...Criss came back in and said they crashed on some mountainside, somewhere in Colorado...for that's where he was heading.

Klayton went through all the luggage and pulled out the warmest clothes he could find and passed them out to the survivors...Sully was in the plane's storage area and pulled out emergency blankets...and handed them out. Criss went outside and looked around...and knew right where he was...he hollered at everyone and told them to move out...that he knew how to get to a safe abandoned lodge...so everyone could survive until they could get out to us...for the rescue. After the guys jumped off the plane...you hobbled to the exit...but looked down at your leg and noticed it was bleeding and beginning to throb...Klayton came back aboard to see what was holding you up...he saw your leg and quickly bandaged it up and said as soon as they got to the lodge...it was going to need stitches...he picked you up and gently handed you down to Criss.

The surviving stewardesses, Rachel, Siera, and Abby came over to you and immediately wanted to help you...but Sully told everyone to stay very close to each other for warmth...Klayton looked at Criss and asked how far it was to the lodge...Criss pointed in the direction of it...and said it would take about half an hour to walk the distance without jet ski's...then added that it was all up hill...you moaned as he said that and sat down, curled up in a tight ball...Criss grabbed you and said not to stop...and he took most of the weight off your hurt leg and told you humorously to use your other leg. Klayton took the point with everyone else bundled together walking in a huge ball of blankets...

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang