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This Imagine is for Rachel Pendergast

You were heading over to the party across the street from Curves...when as you were walking along the crosswalk some jerk sideswiped you with his car...you were trying to get up but your leg was hurt pretty badly...and no one would even consider to slow down to help you...until you felt a pair of very strong arms lift you effortlessly off the ground and carried you to the nearest table and sat you on it...and checked you over good, before asking you if you were alright...without looking at him you tell him your leg hurt really bad...and you were a little too afraid to look at it.

He took out his knife from his pocket and cut your pant leg and took a look at it and told you immediately that he needed to get you to the hospital...for it wasn't looking too good...you kept your eyes closed tightly but managed to tell him thanks...he rushed you to the hospital and carried you into the emergency room area and told one of the nurses what happened...the doctor took you in the back room where he had to stitch, staple and rebreak your leg...then he set it in a cast while you were under anesthesia...when you finally woke up from it...you were looking into a pair of very sexy hazel eyes...and his hand was wrapped around yours...he smiled at you as he welcomed you back.

Then when you were really awake...you looked at him again and realized that your hero was Criss Angel!!! You told him you were a huge loyal of his...and that you really loved his show...he thanked you and gave you a big hug and a kiss on the cheek...then he chuckled a little bit...as he asked you if you'd like him to sign your cast...you got real excited and said Please!!...he pulled a magic marker from behind his ear and signed it...then made the marker vanish...he stood up and said he'd come by again later to check on you...but before he left...he managed to magically make a dozen roses appear in his hand with a vase and all...then he sat it on your table...along with a get well soon card that just happened to be tied to it...he touched your face and said for you to get some much needed rest...then he left.

He visited you every day until it was time for you to be signed out of the hospital...you hobbled out on crutches...while holding your vase of roses...and trying to hail a cab...which you found it very difficult to multi-task...Criss came out of nowhere and offered to give you a lift...you smiled at him and asked him if he was trying to be your guardian angel or if he was just trying to be as sweet as a lifesaver...he said he's been doing a lot of both lately...as he helped you in his car...after he got you to your hotel room...he said it's been a true pleasure taking care of you...and he hoped that next time he met you...it wouldn't be under such painful and dramatic circumstances...then he told you bye with a little kiss...and as you went to sleep...you said to yourself what a very sweet and awesome man he was...and that you would always and forever be a loyal to him.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now