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You were at your sister's wedding party, congratulating her for finally finding true happiness. During the party you run into none other than Criss Fucking Angel!! Why was he at the party!! You ran over to your sister and asked him what he was doing there!! Your sister smiles and tells you because he was her husbands best man...your jaws dropped and as you slightly began to drool a little bit...your sister grabs you by the hand, and takes you over to meet him...telling you that he was single and available...and so looking for mrs right.

You laughed at her, and told her that you wouldn't have a blue chance in hell with Criss Angel the Mindfreak!!...but she insisted that you meet him, she tapped on his shoulder while asking him to meet you...he turned around very quickly...for he felt the tap before he heard your sister say anything...and his drink flew all over you...he gave a blank stare...and quickly dropped his glass, and placed his hand over his mouth...and as he was sort of snickering to himself...he was trying to sincerely apologize...but he wasn't being very convincing to you...he quickly cleared his throat and apologized again...then added that you looked very good in cherry wine.

Your sister was laughing her ass off...by his crazy ways of making every situation that he got into...work for his advantage...for his charm was really rubbing off on you...then he playfully wrapped his arm around your arm...and offered to get you a drink...you looked at him, and told him as long as you didn't have to wear it...he smiled and put both of his hands in the air and promised that all you had to do was drink it. Your sister was giggling as her husband Sully came over and asked her what she did to deserve that kind of giggle...she kissed him and told him that she believed that she found Criss a girlfriend...then she pointed over to them...Sully looked in the direction and spit out what he had in his mouth and said shockingly that it was your little sister!!! she just kissed Sully and said she knew that.

You and Criss were connection like the opposites of a magnet...and some of your sister's friends even said they saw a few sparks flying from between you two...you had to admit, he was the king of charm, and sweetness...and you so wanted to love him...very badly. Later, that evening...after all of your sister's guests left the party...you stayed and helped her and Sully clean up...then after you congratulated her and Sully again...you walked toward the street to your car, when Criss came out of nowhere and asked if he could go with you...for his ride left a long time ago, and he didn't really feel like hoofing it.

You smiled at him and said you'd give him a ride, if he would do the driving...for you were very tired...he held out his hand for you to toss him the keys...then you both hopped in, and moved out...but when he asked you to tell him where you were staying...he looked over and you were sound asleep...so he decided to take you home with him...he parked the car and gently carried you into his home...and removed your shoes then laid you gently on his bed...and covered you up...then he got into his pajama bottoms and crawled in beside you, and fell asleep wrapped around you.

You woke up first the next morning and felt a securing pair of arms wrapped around you...you slowly turned around and was staring into Criss's beautiful face...sleeping very peacefully...you gently brushed his hair from his eyes, and lightly kissed his nose...just because he was so damn adorable...he woke up and gave you a sweet little smile...then snuggled back down beside you...not wanting to get up...but you slid out of the bed, and went to the bathroom...when you came out...he was leaning up in bed holding his head up with his arm...and asked you if you would be his...that he really wanted to be with you.

You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and told him that it was the sweetest thing...that any guy has ever said to you...he playfully pulled you down with him...and began placing sweet kisses all up and down your face and neck...when he got to your lips...he paused for a moment...then kissed you very passionately...the passion rose, and you and he ended up stripping down and making out very hotly...five hours later, he was laying on top of you completely exhausted, but very happy and satisfied...then he tucked you under his arms tightly and said you were his know...whether you wanted him or not...and he wasn't letting you go...ever...you kissed him and closed your eyes and said that was good that he thought that...for he couldn't run you off with a shotgun...then you added that you really had to thank your sister for bringing you and him together.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now