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(This Imagine is for Siera Smith)

You are a young single mom that lives in Vegas, with your little girl Brie...Your best friend Kc, and her fiance Criss Angel...was spending their summer vacation with you and Brie...and during their stay...you were thinking a lot about what your father would be like...for you never got to know him...your mom and dad were seperated before you were born...and she never bothered to tell you anything about him...Kc and Criss offer to help in any way they can...and you thanked them a lot...but going to your mom was a dead end...so you all decided on going for the search.

Back in Hawaii, Leland was sitting at the dinner table with his other kids, and his girlfriend...thinking about you knowing he had a daughter, that he's never met, and it was eating at him from the inside as well...so he jumped up and told his family that he was going to hunt for you...he tried getting a hold of your mom...but when he did...she just hung up on him, not wanting anything to do with him...so he had to start from scratch...he knew everything about your mom so he looked for birth certificates...and found it...then he looked up your social security number...and found that you were currently a resident in Las Vegas in a small residential duplex.

You Criss and Kc searched, but without something to go by...it was almost a lost cause...so you gave up miserably...and just wanted to be alone...so Criss and Kc took Brie home with them to babysit her for a day or two...while you argued with your mom over the phone...telling her that you had the right to know who your father was...but she just hung up with you too...and you tossed your head on your pillow and cried...from the major disappointment your mother has become.

Meanwhile, unknown to you...Leland and company was at the airport heading to Las Vegas on the hunt for you...only he had a very good lead...and was heading in your direction very quickly...it took the entire day for them to get to their destination...but it was the moment of truth...Leland and family was in Las Vegas and walkind down your sidewalk to your apartment...you were looking out your window when they stopped at your door and rang the doorbell...you immediately thought something bad happened to Criss or Kc, and you little girl was all alone or something...so you rushed to the door and opened it and asked if you could help them.

Leland looked right at you and knew instantly that you were his...for you had his eyes and facial features...Leland quickly removed his sunglasses and asked you for your name...as soon as he heard it...he tells you that he was married to your mother...and that she left him before you were born...and he's been searching for you for a long time...then he asked if you would be interested in being apart of his family...as his daughter...you automatically put your hand over your mouth as tears start to form...knowing that he had to be right...especially when he showed you a picture of him and your mom together married...you jumped in his arms and invited him and everyone else into your home...and told them everything about you and your little angel Brie...then you quickly called Criss and Kc and asked them to bring your daughter back home so she could meet her grandpa!

Twenty minutes later Criss and Kc were back at the apartment with Brie hanging on Criss's neck like static cling...she was nervous around all the new people in her home...and hid her face in Criss's shirt...you went over as Criss tried handing Brie to you...but she didn't want to let go of her uncle Criss at all...until Criss asked Leland to try giving her candy...Leland held out a cherry lollipop, and she let go of Criss very quickly and accepted it...then Kc grabbed Criss and said it was the best time to bolt for the door while Brie was content...and they quickly said their byes...then ran out the door...

You and Brie stayed up and got to know your newly evolved family members, and was very happy and excited when Leland offered to take you and Brie to live with them in Hawaii...and that he would love for you to maybe work in the family business with them...maybe as a secretary...if you didn't like the danger...you jumped all over your dad's offer...because you had nothing there in Vegas except your two friends Criss and Kc...and they would understand wholeheartedly...and you were tired of living in that dumpy apartment duplex with very loud and ubnoxious neighbors...it was by far the greatest moment in your life...you found your family.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now