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It was Easter Sunday...and Johnny was jumping up and down in his daddy's bed...too excited to hold it in...about getting to go down to Sunset Park...and hunt for easter eggs...Criss pretended to stay asleep...until Johnny got very close to him...and asked him if he was awake yet...Criss quickly snatched him up and kissed him all over and told him how could he not be...with his little jack rabbit jumping all over the bed...asking him to get up...you came in and apologized to Criss for not keeping a closer eye on Johnny...and that you knew Criss was worn out from working all night...

But Criss reached out for you and kissed you on the cheek and told you not to worry about it...that he needed to be up with his son anyways...for he hardly got enough time with him...and he didn't need to waste the holiday in bed...when he could be out hunting easter eggs with his little man...Criss told Johnny to go with you...so you could give him his breakfast...while he got dressed...you handed Johnny his breakfast, then gave him a cup of orange juice...you loved Johnny like he was your own...even though you have only been dating Criss for a couple months...you felt completely at home with the two lovable boys...for Johnny was a sweetheart...and Criss was a big kid himself...and such a lovable clown.

You were going to stay at the hotel, while father and son went out for easter...but Criss insisted that you go too...for it was supposed to be a family fun day...and as long as you were dating him...that made you family...Criss was holding yours and Johnny's hand while walking down to Sunset Park...where a lot of other kids of many ages were all dressed up in easter clothes...Johnny looked so adorable in his easter bunny outfit...and carrying his yellow basket...Criss went up to one of the judges, and asked when the hunt was...she smiled at him and said there were going to be several hunts...that way all the kids would get a chance to find some...and they were going to separate them by ages...then she looked down at Johnny and asked how old he was...you speak up and told her that he was 3 years old.

The Judge told Criss that Johnny would be in the blue group...then handed him a blue ribbon to tie on johnny's wrist...then she added that after all the kids were taken care of...they were also going to have an adult egg hunt...for couples...and the couple that found the most eggs won the money prize...Criss looked at you and said he wanted to hunt for eggs with you...after his playful pouting you gave in and said you would do it with him...moments later the judges called out the blue and yellow groups to get ready for the hunt...Criss followed Johnny around as he hunted...but he was a natural scavenger...Johnny didn't need Criss to show him...he was doing a great job on his own...at the end of the hunt he did such a good job...some of the little kids didn't have but three eggs in their basket.

Johnny felt bad for his basket was full...so he in his bunny suit went up to them and shared his eggs with them...the judges never saw anything so cute before...most kids were selfish...You and Criss each kissed him and told him what a great job he did...and how proud they were of him...for being such a good boy. But during the adult hunt was a whole new ballpark...as soon as the starting gun went off...you and Criss raced off...but the trick was you had to work together for all the couples were tied together...it was hilarious...Johnny was sitting with the other kids eating chocolate eggs while laughing ecstatically at their parents falling over each other during the hunt...you and Criss were very much in sync with each other...and only had two small trips...but you caught each other before wiping out...and at the end of the hunt you each put your collectings together in a box for the judges to count...and you and Criss won by having 30 eggs found...and they weren't hidden in easy places...as you and Criss got untied from each other...the judge hands you and Criss a giant egg...and when you opened it together it had 1,000 dollars in it with high dollar reservations to a fancy restaurant...and not to mention loads of chocolate easter candy.

As you walked home with Criss and little Johnny sound asleep in your arms...you kissed Criss on the cheek and thanked him for the absolutely perfect holiday...Criss gave you a warm smile and said it wasn't quite over with yet...Criss took Johnny to stay with his grandma as you and he got dressed up really nice and he took you to that special dinner for two...and during his toast to you...he handed you one last easter egg...after he unlocked it and opened it...he revealed its contents...it was a wedding ring...then he slid off the chair and knelt down and asked you if you'd marry him...you accepted the ring, and told him thru the tracks of your tears that you loved him so much...and would want nothing more than to just be a part of his life...for as long as he could handle you.

Criss stood up and wrapped his arms around you and whispered in your ear...that you and he would start with forever...and work it from there...

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now