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You were walking down the sidewalk with your five-year-old niece, Sara when you stopped at a crosswalk waiting for the light to accept the walk button you pushed when a man walked up and stood beside you both. Sara kept staring up at him and giggling a little bit, you noticed and told her it wasn't polite to stare, the man heard you correcting her...then Sara looked up again and tells you something was wrong with his eyes. You take a slight glance at him and notice the blind man's cane and told her that he was visually impaired and she needed to stop staring.

The man turned around and knelt down to the little girl and said not to mention he was blind as a bat, which made her giggle then he asked her if she liked magic, she said yes very lightly then the man held out his empty hand then did a few fancy turns with his wrist and when he opened his fist again, a strawberry lollipop appeared in his hand...then he held his hand out so she could take it...you look down at your niece and ask her what she says to the nice man, Sara smiled up at him and said thank you. He moved his hand out toward Sara until he reached her head and gave it a loving rub and said it was his pleasure.

This time it was your turn to stare at him for a while, then it all hit you at once as you went up to him and gently touched his face and asked him if he was Criss Angel. He moved his head down and said he used to be, but that was a long time ago when he was somebody that people loved and admired, now he was just Crisstopher. As he walked away heading down the sidewalk you ran up to him and asked him if he had anything to eat yet, or if he wouldn't mind having company a little later after you dropped your niece off back at the house. Criss gave a slight smile and said that no one has wanted to hang with him since he lost his eyes and his career.

You move in and give him a hug, and whisper in his ear that there were some fans out there that really missed him and that you were one of them. Then you placed his hand on your arm and told him that he couldn't see it, but he was touching a tattoo you got of him when you were seventeen years old, he slid his hands up and down where the tattoo was and felt the difference in the texture of the skin, and said he was still very flattered when someone came up to him like that, but it hasn't happened since he was in the explosion three years ago...he just disappeared out of sight and out of mind, and it kind of hurt him when he realized that no one cared that he was gone.

You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and said that you cared, then you grabbed your niece and took her back to the house when he asked if you wouldn't mind him walking with you. You stopped and waited for him then Sara took one of his hands and you put your hand in his other one and you headed back to your sister's house to drop Sara off.

You told Sara that you would see her later, then you offered him to come with you to your place and make something to eat, he gave you a very kind smile and said he would love that. As you spent the entire evening with him you realized that he was extremely lonely after everyone left him after his accident, so you decided to tell him of all the times you saw his shows and how much you still loved him and all his work he's done, as you placed a plate of food in front of him and handed him a fork. You and Criss had a very enjoyable time together, and as time went on you found yourself spending a lot of time with the man that used to be the Mindfreak.

Criss really enjoyed your company and was hoping that maybe you were his link to make it back into the world, because he was very much alone, because as soon as he was told he was blind his fiance Belinda left him, and his contract at the casino was torn, and he was once again back on the bottom where he was when he first started out...with nothing but his loving family to support him...even though he knew he would never be able to be the Criss Angel anymore...he would settle for just having someone in his life that he could love, and that would love him back.

After four months of you and Criss spending all your time together, Criss stepped up to the plate and asked you if you would consider being the other half of his life...because you truly did fill the sad and emptiness that he was consumed by. You jumped into his arms and kissed him right on the lips and told him you would love to. Criss lifted you off the ground and kissed you back and said he was so happy now. then as he used his cane to see, he carried you all the way to his mom's house to tell her and his brothers the great news. On the day of your wedding as Criss gently placed the ring on your finger, he told you that you have made him the happiest man in the world. 

But you weren't finished with him yet, you told him you had a surprise for him, then before you took him to the honeymoon surprise you had...you took him to a very low-key eye surgeon, and he gave Criss a full checkup and said with pure excitement that within four weeks he could have Criss's eyes back to seeing condition, he said they may not be 110% perfect like before, but he would be able to lose his legal blind card, and walk without the cane...and he could get his driver's license back. So instead of taking him on the honeymoon, you spent in in the hospital with Criss during his surgery and treatments.

5 weeks later, Criss was walking out the hospital's doors on his own without the sunglasses and the cane, with you, wrapped in his arms...telling you that you were a miracle and that he loved you to no end. After the honeymoon was over with, he got his vehicles back and he went to the Luxor and got his job back and rather quickly made it right back to where he left off, only this time he had you by his side to continue to be his angel of magical love.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt