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You were walking around Sunset Park, on the brisk winter morning with your dog...when you notice a break in the ice on the pond...at first you think nothing of it until your dog keeps pulling you toward the hole...and barking frantically...once you get close enough to it you see a toy ball...floating in the water...then you look down, and see a little boy just under the water frantically trying to make it to the surface...but isn't near where the hole in the ice was...he was hitting the ice...without thinking about yourself you first dial 911 and tell them your location then you jumped in and grabbed the little boy, and swam back to the hole and quickly pulled him out...and began pumping the water out of him...and when he wasn't responsive...you began CPR...until the ambulance got there then you let them take over as they gave you a checkup for hypothermia...

They rushed you and the boy to the hospital and began treating him for hypothermia and warming him up with heating blankets...after you look at the boy for a long time...then you look on your phone at the pictures you took...of Mindfreak Live, with Criss holding his little boy...and realized that the boy you saved was Johnny!! You quickly called the police and told them who's boy you saved and that his father needed to be informed immediately...not even twenty minutes later Criss Angel burst into the room and seen his little boy unconscious in the hospital bed...as tears ran down his face he quickly turned to you and asked where Erica was...that she was supposed to be watching him!!...you look at him and tell him that no one was around when you pulled him out...he ran to the doctor and asked him how his little man was...and if he was going to be ok...the doctor talked with him for twenty minutes or so and kept looking your way then left to another room.

Criss walked up to you, and wrapped his arms around you and thanked you several times for saving his little angel...and that he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if anything happened to him...you hugged him back, and said you would have done it for anyone if you were able to...you were about to leave and give Criss and his son some privacy...but he grabbed your hand, and asked you to stay with him...so when Johnny wakes up...he will be able to see you too...you happily sat down beside him...and watched Johnny...with Criss never letting go of your hand...as soon as Johnny woke up Criss held him in his arms without taking him out of the bed...and kissed him all over his face...until he giggled.

But for some reason when Criss tried to introduce you to Johnny he already knew who you were...and thanked you for saving him...then he reached up and kissed you on the cheek...you and Criss looked at each other and asked how he knew who you were...you smiled at Criss and simply said like father like son...and all three of you had a wonderful laugh...and when it was ok for Johnny to be released from the hospital...Criss took you and Johnny to a nice place to dine...then he went to your ear while Johnny was eating his dessert...he whispered to you that he would really love it if you would go home with them...you blushed a little as Criss kissed you...and you said while laughing slightly that you would love to.

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now